Types of Disability Claims

There are several different types of work disability claims. When an employee is injured while in the process of doing their job, they can file a claim to receive workers compensation. This is an employer-provided benefit that covers medical expenses and a portion of your salary while you are recovering from your injury. It is temporary, however.

The state provides disability benefits for people who suffer an injury that prevents them from being able to do their job, even if the accident does not happen at work. State disability benefits can be granted either on a temporary or permanent basis depending on the type of injury.

There are also examples in which your particular injury may mean that you have qualifications for both types of disability. In this case, you can choose to apply for the one that has a higher value. Since this is getting into a fairly complex area of the law, your first step should be to speak with an attorney who can clarify your options before you make any decisions.

Temporary vs. permanent

Working with an attorney will make the entire process a lot more understandable. The workers comp laws are different from state to state and year to year, and compensation varies depending on the different types of claims. At Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center, we study each case carefully to determine the best outcome for our client’s specific situation. The first decision we’ll need to make is between the ways to file.

Often in the beginning, the extent of your injury is unclear, and the medical professionals cannot yet give an accurate prognosis as to your future abilities. During this time period, we can get you started with temporary vs. permanent disability benefits. As more information becomes available, we will continue to evaluate and keep you apprised of your options to ensure you get the best possible outcome in the long run.

Working with an attorney who understands

Getting hurt, whether at work or not, can have an enormous impact on your future. Your first concern is to get better, but that’s difficult when you’re worried about your job and your finances. This is where the workers comp and disability attorney at Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center can help to set your mind at ease.

Your only job at this time is to take care of yourself and focus on the process of healing. We’ll make a thorough assessment of your options in terms of the different types of disability claims and guide you toward the one that will most benefit you in the end.

Types of Disability Claims

Gold Country Comp