Grass Valley Social Security Law

If you find you can no longer work at your regular job, it is often a good idea to call one of your local Grass Valley Social Security lawyers. It’s never too late nor too early to find out if you are eligible, and our team of professionals at Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center can help you investigate your eligibility so that you do not feel alone during the process.

Why apply for Social Security benefits?

The most available program for disability benefits is the Social Security Disability Insurance program (SSDI) as well as the Supplemental Security Income program (SSI) which are both provided by Social Security which most people are entitled to if they have the earnings history needed or if you otherwise fall under a certain income level.  While being unable to work your regular job alone is not enough to qualify for SSDI or SSI, it may mean you’ve suffered a job related injury, either because of a specific injury OR because of cumulative stress on a body part over time.

For Social Security Disability or SSI purposes, you must provide adequate information to prove you are unable to work your current job and also unable to work basically at any job for at least a year.  You must supply medical proof of the ailments that deem you incapable of work. Grass Valley Social Security lawyers will be able to determine if you are eligible if you have proof that shows you can’t really do any sort of work for twelve months or more due to your medical conditions (whether physical or mental or a combination). You don’t need to wait the whole 12 months to apply.

Why contact an Attorney?

With the amount of experience we have in the field, we can make the process easier for you and be there for you every step of the way. Social Security has deadlines, proceedings, and rules that might be hard to follow but that we know all too well. We can work closely with your doctors to get the right documentation to support your case and act as a bridge between your doctors and Social Security.

Not only that, but most of these cases also go to the hearing level.  it is a trial in front of a judge, and an attorney’s input, guidance and support is very important.  Early legal intervention is the key to not only ensuring your case may not have to be escalated to that level, but Grass Valley Social Security lawyers can help represent you in front of an Administrative Law Judge if that were to happen.

No matter what the case may be, make sure to contact Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center as soon as possible, as more likely than not there is a time limit to file or appeal a claim. Time is of the essence, and we will make sure to use this time efficiently to get you the help you need and deserve.

Contact our office for a free consultation or referral at 530-362-7188.

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