California Workers’ Compensation Articles

Marysville Workers Compensation Lawyers
Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center has a team of Marysville workers compensation lawyers ready to fight for you. We specialize in representing clients for workers’ comp, social security benefits, disability claims, and personal injury cases. Our team of Marysville workers’ comp attorneys knows the law and fights vigorously to make sure you get all the money you are owed. If you have a workers comp case or find yourself in a similar legal dispute then
Auburn Workers Compensation Lawyers
The Auburn workers compensations lawyers at Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center are committed to helping you when you need it most. When an incident occurs that prevents you from making an honest living, it can be stressful. No matter how careful you try to be, workplace injuries happen. But a personal injury doesn’t have to threaten your finances or your way of life. The Auburn workers compensation lawyers at Gold Country make sure you get
Truckee Workers Compensation Lawyer
Gold Country Workers Comp Center, a Northern California law firm, specializes in all aspects of Workers Compensation and Disability Advocacy. What sets us apart from many law firms is that our core focus is specifically on Workers Compensation Cases. We bring the highest level of skill and persistence that will assist with bringing positive results for your Workers Compensation Case. Looking for a Truckee Workers Compensation Lawyer? With our convenient location in Nevada City, we
California Workers Compensation Lawyer

Who is liable if you’re injured while working at home

Posted by Gold Country Workers Comp Center on  March 15, 2018
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While working from home is a not a new idea, advancements in technology and a move towards a more globalized economy have led to an increase in the demand for workers to be able to work remotely from home. In the digital age in which we live in, e-mail, video conferencing, and remote access have made it possible for people to work from just about anywhere. There are many advantages to “telecommuting” for employers and
Suffered an injury in the workplace?

Can you sue for pain and suffering?

Posted by Gold Country Workers Comp Center on  March 15, 2018
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It’s not unusual for an employee who has been injured while on the job to experience pain and suffering immediately after the injury, but for weeks, months, and even years after treatment and rehab are finished. While employees in all fifty states, as well as federal employees, are either covered under federal or state workers’ comp laws, workers’ compensation benefits don’t include punitive damage or damages for pain and suffering. If you suffer an injury