California Workers’ Compensation Articles

California Workers Compensation Lawyer

Workers’ Comp Facts for the Natural Resource Extraction Industry

Posted by Gold Country Workers Comp Center on  March 9, 2018
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Natural resource extraction industries, together with agriculture, form the basis of the primary sector of the economy; in other words, this is the sector of an economy that makes direct use of raw materials such as coal and timber. Natural resource extraction industries include mining, logging, oil and gas drilling, and forestry. Natural resource extraction and mining is considered to be a high-risk industry with respect to workers’ compensation. Employees in these types of jobs
California Workers Compensation Lawyer
The workplace environment in the manufacturing industry has more potential dangers for employees than many other workplace settings. The work can be physically demanding with employees often being responsible for moving heavy objects and operating large machinery and equipment. Employees in many manufacturing settings are continually subjected to loud noises and, in some types of industries, are exposed to potentially dangerous chemicals as well as poor air quality. The top 5 most common types of
California Workers Compensation Lawyer

The First Step You Take After an Injury is the Most Important

Posted by Gold Country Workers Comp Center on  March 9, 2018
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If you’re a California resident and have been injured on the job, you need to know how to file a workers’ comp claim in California. CA workers’ comp laws require employers to provide medical treatment and pay workers’ comp benefits to injured employees. These benefits are for medical treatment and care, replacement of lost income, and long-term disability treatment and rehab services if needed. Death benefits are also available to the surviving family members of
California Workers Compensation Lawyer
Workers’ compensation is a claim and benefits system established for workers who become ill, are injured, or die while on the job. Workers’ comp is actually a type of state-mandated insurance purchased by employers as coverage for their employees, each state having its own individual program. Benefits may include medical expenses, death benefits, lost wages, and rehab services. The most common types of workers’ comp claims include: Slips, trips, and falls Vehicular accidents Repetitive strain
Workers Compensation Center in Roseville

The Workers Compensation Case Process

Posted by Gold Country Workers Comp Center on  March 9, 2018
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Federal law states that, when an employee becomes the victim of a serious injury or is sickened at work, they’re entitled to receive compensation until they’re able to return to their job. On top of federal regulations, each state has its own rules and procedures when it comes to workers comp cases, and these can be confusing for a “layperson” to navigate. For those that need assistance, there are attorneys that not only specialize in