Workers Compensation in California

Workers Compensation in California with GCWC

If you or a loved one suffered from any of these common workers’ compensation injuries, you may be entitled to Workers Compensation in California. After reporting the accident to your employer and getting any necessary emergency treatment, you should contact a law firm to help you file for benefits. Many people think they may not qualify, but more often than not that is not the case.

To put it simply, in order for you to qualify for Workers Compensation in California, you must prove that the injury or illness was connected to work. The terms are often called “AOE/COE” (arising out of employment and occurring during the course of employment), and these tend to be occupational illnesses as a result of being exposed to toxic substances, repetitive motion injuries, pre-existing conditions that have been made worse, hearing and vision loss, and even stress-related injuries.

In fact, from 2016 to 2017, the most common injuries were overexertion, which includes big lifts, pulls, pushes, or throws that force a joint or muscle beyond its usual range of motion, slips and falls which can happen from wet floors or snowy walkways, electrocution which can result in severe burns, cardiac arrest, nerve damage, or even brain injury, being stuck by an object such as a bookshelf, a barricade, or other stationary objects, transportation incidents such as in the case of truck drivers, machinery accidents which are most commonly seen in factories or construction sites, unintentional overdoses, workplace violence such as in the case of nurses, psychiatric evaluators, and probation officers who are at high risk of violence in the workplace, exposure to harmful substances such as chemical exposure like asbestos, lead, and acids, and fires or explosions which can also result in inhalation issues, loss of hearing or sight, lung damage, brain injuries, etc.

A Workers Compensation in California claim must be filed within 30 days and an Attorney should be contacted immediately to help you through the process. Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center is a law firm that will only be paid after the resolution of your case. An Attorney can help your chances of not only winning your claim but getting you as much owed to you as possible, and once you’ve contacted them, Workers Compensation in California will be a straightforward process. The likelihood of receiving benefits is much higher, since they have the knowledge to get the job done right. Your initial consultation is free, and they will be dedicated to serving you every step of the way. Call today at (530) 362-7188.

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