Colfax Workers Comp Lawyer

Workers Comp Lawyer California

Colfax Workers Comp Lawyer

A Colfax Workers Comp Lawyer is someone you should contact after sustaining an injury while performing a work-related activity. You may be entitled to compensation and might need to file a Workers’ Comp claim. That being said, there are several types of claims that can be filed in connection with a work-related injury. Depending on what type of claim it is, these kinds of “ancillary” claims may be prosecuted against an employer, its insurance company, or a “third party,” other than the employer.

These “ancillary” claims can include the following:

  1. A claim against a third party who caused or contributed to the injury, or who by operation of law had a special duty owed to you that “set up” the injury to occur, whether by negligence, or willful action

  2. A claim that the employer or its insurance company unreasonably denied or delayed the provision of benefits to an injured worker

  3. A claim that the employer discriminated or took adverse action, or harassed an injured worker because of the injury, for pursuing a claim, or because of a disability

  4. A claim that the employer’s serious and willful action caused the injury

If you have a work-related injury, the odds are very high that you will benefit by using a Colfax Workers Comp Lawyer. The rules and regulations of the Workers’ Compensation system are very complicated. Employers and insurance companies spend much time and money to minimize their own expenses (at your expense) when they are dealing with a work-related injury. Choosing an evaluating physician is a crucial step in the process, and familiarity with the evaluators is essential in obtaining a fair or even favorable evaluation.

These ancillary claims can provide significant benefits to the injured worker beyond and in addition to benefits provided through the regular Workers’ Compensation benefit package. Sometimes, they can also provide protection to injured workers from adverse action, harassment, or discrimination that may be taken against them by an employer. It’s safe to say that the presence of a Colfax Workers Comp Lawyer will often give the employer or insurance company an extra reason to follow the dictates of the law.

Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center is a Colfax Workers Comp Lawyer that can provide you with the money and benefits you deserve. Fees are a fixed percentage and contingent on a successful resolution of your case, so getting an attorney early in the process can not only save you time but money as well. So call (530) 362-7188 today for a consultation.

Or toll-free at 877-233-8399.

Related Media: California Disability Law Firm
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Penn Valley Workers Comp Lawyer

Sue for Damages as a result of your injury

Penn Valley Workers Comp Lawyer

Before filing for a Workers’ Compensation claim with a Penn Valley Workers Comp Lawyer, there are some things you need to know about what makes a claim. A good Penn Valley Workers Comp Lawyer knows that, if warranted, a lot of claims are payable under surprising circumstances, such as suffering an injury while in your own car (parked or driving), waiting outside your place of employment or worksite, on a work-related trip, working as an “independent contractor” according to your supervisor or a homeowner directing your activities, working while being an undocumented worker, or working without a permit.

These surprising circumstances may all potentially be proven to be an employee “work related” activity which means if you are injured, you or your dependents can be entitled to some kind of compensation.

A Penn Valley Workers Comp Lawyer understands that the rules and laws of compensation are complex and are not subject to the same rules and procedures that apply in regular civil court.

Many work-related injury cases involve establishing liability against third parties responsible for, or who contributed to an accident, providing an important extra source of recovery for the injured worker. And there are often other types of claims that can be brought when there is a work-related injury.

Additionally, the law and regulations are always changing. Starting in 2013, the claims process changed significantly, and certain previously important benefits became very difficult to get.  This was after the State adopted a new approach to evaluating Permanent Disability (PD) levels in 2005 that generally both created much confusion in the evaluation system and significantly reduced the number of benefits payable to the injured. Starting with a few recent WCAB opinions (February, 2009) the WCAB is reconsidering their evaluation approach, and while still subject to ongoing litigation, this review may provide ways to significantly increase PD benefits.

Often, the insurance company’s attorneys will want to take your sworn deposition before a court reporter to provide your statement to investigators, the employer, or to health care providers. The assistance of a Penn Valley Workers Comp Lawyer at this stage is crucial. You should never submit to questioning without an attorney’s assistance. The impact on your claim can be quite large.

Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center is a Penn Valley Workers Comp Lawyer that can provide you with the money and benefits you deserve. Fees are a fixed percentage and contingent on a successful resolution of your case, so getting an attorney early in the process can not only save you time but money as well. So call (530) 362-7188 today for a consultation.

Or toll-free at 877-233-8399.

Related Media: California Disability Law Firm
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Social Security Disability Lawyer California

Disability Attorneys in Roseville, CA

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a cash assistance program administered by Social Security for people with disabilities. Here is what you need to know about applying for SSI, getting approved, and keeping your benefits. If you need to consult with a Social Security Disability Lawyer in California, call Gold Country Workers Comp Center today. 530-362-7188

The first thing to understand about SSI is that this is a completely different program than Social Security Disability. SSI stands for Supplemental Security Income. You will also hear it called Title 16 benefits, which refers to the legislation that provides federal tax dollars for the program. Because Federal taxes pay for SSI benefits there are strict rules regarding the income and resource requirements for the program.

SSI does not have the work history credits requirements to qualify like Social Security Disability. The basic requirements for SSI are that you have a disability that will prevent you from working for twelve months or longer. Your disability will be evaluated by an agency of the State you reside; if you meet the medical requirements for SSI your local Social Security office will evaluate your household income and assets to see if you qualify to get a check.  If you are not already eligible for MediCal, getting SSI benefits will automatically qualify you for that program.

There are income and resource limits for the SSI program. A resource is any money you have in the bank, income into the household, any property you own other than the home you live in, any vehicles you have over one, and any retirement or investment accounts you have. If you are an individual person receiving SSI your resources are limited to a specific amount. Couples, where husband and wife are both receiving SSI benefits, can receive additional resources. If you go over these amounts Social Security will not pay you SSI for any month you are over your limit.

To apply for SSI you need to call Social Security and schedule an appointment. Social Security will require proof of citizenship to apply for SSI; you will need to provide your birth certificate or unexpired passport at the time of your appointment. SSI has strict citizenship requirements to receive benefits. There are certain circumstances where non-citizens who have refugee status in the United States can receive SSI; however, in most cases, you do need to be a US citizen in order to qualify. To learn more about qualifying and applying for SSI in California, please call today. We are based in Nevada City California but also serve the surrounding communities – Auburn, Grass Valley, Yuba City, Truckee, Lake Tahoe, Truckee, Sacramento, Marysville, and Kings Beach.

Social Security Disability Lawyer California

Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center will diligently work on your Disability Case in 2021 and get you the benefits you deserve. Please call us at 530-362-7188 for a free consultation.



Sacramento Social Security Law

Social Security Benefits Attorney

Sacramento Social Security Law – GCWC

Sacramento Social Security Law doesn’t have to be a headache if you have a good attorney by your side. For some people, a catastrophic injury or a work-related accident can leave someone disabled, whether that is a mental impairment or a physical one or a combination of the two. This results in having to drastically reduce the amount of time they dedicate to work, or even have to leave work altogether. We all primarily live off of wages to survive, which is why it’s crucial for you to have an understanding of Sacramento Social Security Law and how it can help you when you’re in this situation.

It won’t cost you more to hire an attorney as soon as possible, since all fees are a fixed percentage and are dependent on your firm winning the case. Having an attorney from the very beginning can mean a more efficient procedure right from the start. If you’re disabled, there are many things you already have to keep track of and worry about, but Social Security still has very specific rules and deadlines when it comes to submitting evidence and filing applications and appeals.

In fact, hiring a law firm to assist you with this could mean clearing up any doubts or questions you had about the process or guiding you through your options. Many people don’t know this, but Social Security offers two basic disability programs to which general members of the public can apply: SSI and SSDI. Both will provide monthly payments and medical benefits as long as the claimant who filed is eligible for either (or sometimes both). SSDI pays much better and provides more comprehensive medical benefits, but not everyone qualifies for it depending on their work history. If in doubt about which to apply for, apply for both. You can apply for SSDI online but you must submit a written application to get SSI benefits to your local SSA district office. An attorney already knows the best ways to contact the local offices, so even when applying in the early stages of the procedures, there is still great benefit to hiring someone with experience.

If you require assistance with Sacramento Social Security Law or were injured on the job, Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center will help fight for the compensation you deserve. We offer almost 50 years of legal experience, most of which is in Workers’ Compensation and Disability/Social Security. We have helped many people just like you resolve their issues with a positive outcome. There is no charge for the initial consultation. Call us at 530-362-7188.

Related: Social Security law firm – GCWC
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California SSI Lawyer

Social Security Benefits Lawyers

How can social security lawyers assist individuals with disabilities to receive benefits from the federal government? Is SSI insurance the right program for my situation? How do professional social security lawyers benefit me? Below are some frequently asked questions about social security disability benefits and how to find a qualified attorney who will work on my case. If you need an expert California Social Security Disability or SSI Lawyer, contact Gold Country Workers Comp Center. 530-362-7188

How can social security lawyers assist me with disability benefits? As an applicant for Social Security Disability or SSI benefits, you should be prepared to answer any questions about your life, your current income and source, what your assets and debts are, and how you will be able to pay for benefits. If you have been diagnosed with a disability or illness that prohibits you from working, your lawyer should be able to determine if you are eligible for Social Security Disability or SSI disability benefits. If SSI is the best plan for your particular situation, your lawyer can file all the necessary paperwork to request benefits.

How do professional disability lawyers benefit me? Social Security Disability/SSI Lawyers can make sure that you receive the full amount of Social Security Disability and/or SSI benefits. In addition, these specialized lawyers can make sure that you do not receive fewer benefits than you are entitled to. A good social security lawyer can also help you secure increased benefits for your disabling condition.

How much will a lawyer cost me for my disability claim? Professional Social Security Disability/SSI lawyers will bill their clients based on the amount of back-due benefits payable once the claim is accepted, either by the local evaluators or by a judge.   Most always, these lawyers work on a contingency basis, meaning the lawyer only charges if he or she wins your case. contingency lawyers are usually sought after the most, as they will not charge any fees unless and until they win your case and the benefits are issued.

How do I hire an Social Security Disability/SSI lawyer? Hiring a lawyer can be one of the best moves to be financially secure, but in some cases, it may be the only way to get proper representation. In order to get better benefits, your Social Security Disability/SSI Lawyer will need to go through a long and complex process. Instead of dealing with your benefits administrator, you will need to get in touch with a specialized social security lawyer. Your lawyer will meet with you to discuss your case and determine whether or not you should qualify for benefits. If you do qualify, the specialist will file all the paperwork needed to get your claim started and ready to receive benefits in a timely manner.

California SSI Lawyer