Do You Qualify for “Permanent” and “Stationary” Status?

Free Workers Compensation Consultation

Permanent and stationary is a medical term that is used in California workers’ comp cases and is interchangeable with the term maximal medical improvement or MMI. If you’ve been injured on the job, a finding of permanent and stationary or “P&S” is made by a doctor when you’ve reached a point where your medical condition is no longer improving or getting worse; in other words, your condition has plateaued to the point where additional medical treatment will have no further benefit.

At this point in time, your doctor will then write a P&S report to the claims administrator indicating that you have a permanent disability. The report should include a description of :

  • Your specific medical problems
  • Work restrictions
  • Any future medical care that you may need
  • Whether you can return to your former job
  • An estimate of how much your disability is a result of your injury vs other causal factors
  • The impact that your injury has on normal life activities

Because this medical report will determine how much, if any, permanent disability resulted from your workplace injury and, ultimately, the amount of benefits to which you are entitled, it’s very important that you enlist the services of an attorney who is experienced in workers’ comp and disability law. Kim LaValley, workers’ comp attorney in California, has 40 years of experience handling cases involving workers’ compensation and disability law.

The doctor’s decision

After you reached permanent and stationary status, and your doctor has written your P&S report, that report will then be rated to determine the amount of permanent disability benefits to which you’re entitled. This amount is dependent upon a number factors including your age, occupation, the part(s) of your body that were injured, and the cause and extent of your disability.

Permanent disability ratings can range from 1% to 100% depending upon how much your disability affects your ability to work, either at your former job or a new occupation. If you receive a rating of 100%, you are considered to be totally disabled. Payments for permanent disability (PD) are payable to you in addition to any payments the you may receive for temporary disability (TD) and are over and above the cost of medical care.

Your best options

Problems can arise when it comes to determining the amount of permanent disability for which you’re are eligible for if you have a pre-existing disease or impairment to the part(s) of your body that was injured on the job. In other words, what percentage of your work injury resulted in your permanent disability vs. the percentage that may be due to a pre-existing condition. If there is any type of dispute about whether or not you’re permanently disabled or the extent of your disability, you may find that you’re not receiving the full amount of benefits to which you’re entitled.

California workers compensation attorney, Kim LaValley, of Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center will fight to get you the compensation and benefits that you deserve. Consulting with Kim early on in the workers’ comp claims process is critical to the success of your claim. Failure to do so can be costly in the end.

Call and schedule your free consultation with Kim LaValley today.

Do You Qualify for “Permanent” and “Stationary” Status?

Gold Country Comp

What if You’re Unable to do the Same Job After an Injury?

California Workers Compensation Lawyer

If you’ve been injured on the job, the nature of your injury may be such that you’re unable to do the same job after your recovery and/or rehabilitation is completed. This can be especially true when an accident in the workplace results in serious injury such as crushed limbs or multiple broken bones that require surgery and that may have had an impact on the surrounding muscles, organs, and nerves. Injuries such as this can permanently affect your overall health.

The rule of thumb for workplace injuries is that, the more severe the injury, the increased likelihood that the injury will not only affect your present earning potential, but any future earnings from this type of employment. If this is the case, you may be entitled to permanent disability benefits.

However, the workers’ comp carrier involved in your case will be looking out for their best interests and not yours. Therefore, it’s essential that you have an experienced workers’ comp attorney in your corner at the very beginning of the claims process to ensure that your best interests are being well-represented and that you are being afforded every right that is yours under California’s workers’ compensation laws. At Gold Country Workers Comp Center our focus is on workers’ comp and disability claims. Attorney Kim LaValley and staff have many years of experience when it comes to successfully litigating these types of cases.

Here at Gold Country Workers’ Comp, we can help you feel secure in the knowledge that the right decisions are being made to maximize your benefit package in a time when we know you really need the support. Following is a discussion of some of the critical issues that typically arise after an industrial injury.

You have legal rights and important decisions to make

If you’re unable to return to the same job after your workplace injury, you have legal rights in California. Under Section 4658 of the California Labor Code, you may be entitled to permanent disability payments if you do not recover completely and if your injury has resulted in measurable permanent physical or mental impairments. As per the code, the amount and duration of your benefits are determined by the extent of your disability as evaluated by a “Qualified Medical Evaluator” or “QME.” The QME will also detail your work restrictions to allow your employer to determine if they can re-employ you.

For this and many other purposes, an attorney can help insure you’re evaluated by the right doctor in the right area of specialization. Very rarely and, for very technical reasons, would I ever advise a client to use an orthopedist as a QME. It is VERY important for you to choose the right area of medical specialization. Do NOT allow the insurance carrier to choose the doctor. They know the reputations and biases of the various doctors whereas you do not. Many QMEs are very conservative in their perspective of whether an injury occurred as well as the levels of impairment that it caused.

If you do not respond quickly to an offer to see a QME, you will be at a significant disadvantage by allowing your employer or their insurance adjuster to choose the area of medical specialization and/or doctor in your case.

The QME details your medical restrictions for purposes of the “interactive process” noted just below and to allow your employer to determine if you can return to work for them again.

If your employer has five or more employees, he or she must proceed with a legally required “Interactive Process.” This is a formal discussion with you about your work restrictions and, if there is an available job within those restrictions that you are qualified to do, your employer must offer it to you as an alternate job or modified job.

Regardless of how many employees your employer has, for injuries after 2012, once your condition stabilizes, and becomes “permanent and stationary” or reaches maximal medical improvement, your employer must offer you a job paying 85% or more of your pre-injury earnings, guaranteed for a year, and close to your former work site. If your employer doesn’t make that offer for any reason, including, of course, your medical restrictions, you are entitled to payment for retraining under Section 4658.7 of the California Labor Code. This includes payment for tuition, fees, books, and other expenses for retraining. In addition, licensing and professional certification fees, exam, and exam prep fees are also included where applicable, BUT only up to $6000. (The rules are different for pre-2013 injuries.)

If your employer takes any action against you, including declining to rehire you for the sole reason that you have filed a claim, they are guilty of discrimination under the Labor Code.

While you have legal protection under the California Workers’ Compensation Laws, workers’ comp and disability claims have strict requirements about how and when to file as well as a variety of different deadlines that must be met. In addition, it can be confusing when it comes to the different types of disability that you may be entitled to — workers’ comp benefits, temporary vs permanent disability benefits, EDD State Disability benefits and Social Security disability benefits. Your best option to successfully navigate the claims process is to retain the services of the skilled attorneys at Gold Country Workers Comp Center.

Get our advice

Serious injuries in the workplace often result in an employee being unable to return to the same job that he or she did before the accident. While recovering from your injury should be your top priority, the thought of not being able to return to your current job and what that will mean for your future can be distressing.

Contact workers’ comp attorney Kim LaValley at Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center to schedule your free consultation. Our compassionate and knowledgeable staff will work diligently to ensure that you receive all the compensation and benefits to which you are entitled.

What if You’re Unable to do the Same Job After an Injury?

Gold Country Comp

Should You Call a Workers’ Comp Attorney?

Get Fair Compensation for your Workers Comp Case

If you suffered an injury while on the job, one of the first questions you’ll ask yourself is should you call a workers’ comp attorney. While the workers’ compensation system should be an easy one for workers to navigate, the claims process is not always that simple and can become confusing and frustrating. Even if you only suffer from a minor injury that requires minimal treatment, you can benefit from enlisting the services of a workers’ comp attorney early on in the process.

Failing to get legal advice can be very costly. Almost weekly, I am contacted by someone wanting legal advice about a Workers’ Compensation claim that is nearing resolution. And, more often than not , they have made mistakes, some very serious, that the insurance company has exploited to the company’s considerable advantage. And, the dollar value of these mistakes often far exceeds any attorney’s fee that would have been charged.

My name is Kim LaValley, and at Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center, I will meet with you for a free consultation. My firm will fight to get you the compensation that you deserve. By calling our workers’ comp phone number and obtaining our legal services at the outset of your claim, you’ll have the benefit of our expert legal advice and representation throughout the entire process.

How we can help

Kim will advise you as to whether you need an attorney at the outset or not. Even if your case isn’t accepted for one reason or another, you will benefit greatly from gaining an understanding of your basic rights and by becoming aware of the events that should trigger a call for more legal help.

Kim LaValley at the Gold Country Workers’ Comp center doesn’t charge by the hour. We work on a contingency basis which means that we receive a percentage of any benefits that they help to secure for you. Most states place a cap on attorneys’ fees in workers’ comp cases. The typical contingency fee in workers’ comp cases in California is between 9% and 15%.

Your first consultation

Consulting with an workers comp attorney early on helps to ensure that you get all the benefits to you which are entitled and that those benefits flow smoothly to you without any disruptions. Kim LaValley has 40 years of experience as a practicing attorney. I have a very good understanding of workers’ comp and disability law and am very knowledgeable when it comes to negotiating with insurance companies.

Should You Call a Workers’ Comp Attorney?

Gold Country Comp

Tell us About Your Situation

California Workers Compensation Lawyer

There are many situations in which it’s in your best interest to hire a workers’ comp attorney if you’ve been injured at work. Most of these involve disputes with the insurance company and may include the following:

  • You’ve suffered an injury or disease and don’t know whether you have technically been injured “on the job” or not. If in doubt, ask!
  • Your claim is denied or delayed
  • Lost wages and/or medical bills are not completely covered, or if paid, are paid at a rate below what the law requires
  • You receive a notice that your disability benefits are ending
  • The claims adjuster has offered you a “QME.” (A “Qualified Medical Examination” is a critical juncture in a Workers’ Comp claims process) DO NOT LET THE ADJUSTER CHOOSE EITHER THE AREA OF SPECIALIZATION OR CHOOSE THE SPECIFIC DOCTOR TO EVALUATE YOUR MEDICAL CONDITION FOR ANY PURPOSE
  • The claims adjuster wants to take a recorded statement from you
  • You can’t return to the same position or cannot work at all
  • You have sustained permanent injuries and need permanent disability benefits
  • Medical treatment is denied
  • You may have an additional claim vs. a 3d party, or your employer acted in such a way that you are entitled to penalties

Additionally, if you receive benefits from Social Security, or EDD/State Disability, the SSA or EDD may be entitled to a large part of your workers’ comp benefits if your settlement is not structured properly.

Finding the Right Assistance

Whatever your situation, Kim LaValley and the staff at Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center will work diligently to make sure that you’re getting the best legal representation available and that you’re fully and fairly compensated.

We promise you will feel secure and protected, solid in the knowledge that we’ve got everything covered for you and that we’re doing everything that can be done to support you. Our staff will help you explore and pursue other sources of financial support during this difficult time.

Our phone number is…

Early intervention in a workers’ comp case works. The rules and regulations of the workers’ comp system are often complex — lots of paperwork is required, and there are deadlines and legal time limits that need to be met. Employers and insurance companies spend a lot of time and money in an effort to minimize their financial obligations to you; in other words, they’re not looking out for your best interests.

If you’ve decided to get legal representation, you want to hire the best workers’ comp lawyer to ensure the success of your claim. That would be Kim LaValley at Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center. Call our workers comp attorney phone number if you’ve suffered an injury at work. Call now to schedule your free consultation today.

Tell us About Your Situation

Gold Country Comp

Is Your Workplace Safe?

California Workers Compensation Lawyer

It is the responsibility of your employer to provide a workplace that is free from hazards and unsafe conditions. The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 requires employers to maintain a workplace that is free of dangerous health and safety conditions that can result in illness, injury, or death and grants employees several important rights if violations occur.

But, is your workplace safe? Some signs that could indicate safety problems in the workplace include:

  • Lack of leadership – workers are not given proper safety training; supervisors are not ensuring that safety protocols are being followed
  • Lack of safety equipment – workers have not been provided with adequate safety equipment such as goggles, helmets, gloves
  • Poorly maintained equipment — broken or malfunctioning equipment is not repaired or removed from the workplace
  • Health problems — persistent respiratory issues and headaches could indicate unsafe environmental conditions from chemicals, gas leaks, radiation, etc.
  • Physical conditions of the workplace — poor lighting, wet, slippery, and uneven floors represent potentially dangerous conditions
  • Injured employees — too many injuries are occurring on a regular basis

Your employer has a duty to take the proper actions necessary to remedy any and all issues to prevent accidents and provide a safe working environment. If you have been injured on the job, you are entitled to receive workers’ compensation benefits. Obtaining early legal representation can be critical to the success of the claims process.

Hidden danger

While some hazards and unsafe workplace conditions are easier to assess such as poorly maintained and faulty equipment, inadequate training procedures, or a lack of safety equipment, there are less obvious, hidden dangers at work that are often overlooked and can result in workplace injuries. These include clutter, electrical and extension cords, poor air quality, and improper stacking and storage.

In addition, there are two situations where an employer’s failure to provide a safe workplace that subsequently results in an injury provides the employee with greatly increased payments in the nature of a penalty. One such situation occurs when the guard on a power press is removed or not properly installed by the employer, thus causing an injury which allows the employee to sue the employer in civil court.

A second situation occurs when the injury is the result of a “serious and willful” act or omission on the part of the employer to provide a safe workplace.

It’s very important to be aware of your surroundings so you know how to tell if your workplace is safe. If you become aware of workplace safety hazards or risks, you need to inform your employer or supervisor. They are legally obligated to remedy the conditions.

If you’re injured on the job as a result of these violations, you can file a claim for worker’s compensation and may have legal grounds to sue for negligence on the part of your employer.

Obvious violations

Workplace safety should be a top priority in any business or industry. A safe workplace environment is a more productive one. Unfortunately, workplace safety violations often result in employee injuries and deaths. Some of the more common safety hazards include trip and fall accidents that can result from cleanliness issues in the work environment, visibility hazards for drivers working with heavy machinery, poor equipment maintenance, lack of proper respiratory protection, and hazard communication.

If you’ve been injured in the workplace as the result of a workplace safety violation by your employer, you are entitled to receive workers’ compensation benefits. The attorneys at Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center have years of experience litigating workers’ comp and disability cases. Kim LaValley and staff are familiar with every step of the process of filing a workers’ comp claim and will make sure that you receive any and all compensation to which you are entitled.

Contact our office to schedule a free consultation today.

Is Your Workplace Safe?

Gold Country Comp