Supplemental Security Income

If you are considering applying for Supplemental Security Income or filing a Social Security Disability claim through the Social Security Administration, here’s a few things you need to be aware of. Most US citizens qualify for a disability program if they meet certain requirements. For one thing, Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB), you must earn enough work credits to qualify and be expected to be out of work for twelve months or more  because of a medical condition that prevents you from working any job. Now, for SSA to determine if your conditions are considered a disability, there are a variety of different forms and documentation you need to provide. This is the case for both DIB and for Supplemental Security Income (SSI). The only difference between the two, is that for a disabled claimant to qualify for SSI, you have to be under a certain income level or that you have not worked enough quarters to qualify for the better DIB program.

For some people, this could be the only program they qualify for. For example, even before someone becomes disabled, they could have stopped working for various reasons. But SSA doesn’t just count wages as a valid kind of income. Monetary assistance, other than government provided such as food stamps, inheritance, spouse’s income, and more could render a claimant ineligible. This is why it’s also wise to be wary of leaving work while not disabled, since down the line you never know if you too will become disabled and need to apply for SSI or for DIB.  Leaving work upon medical advice of a doctor is a very helpful piece of evidence in support of a disability claim.

Once you provide the necessary documents to Social Security, which could include medical records, list of medications, present or prior marriage information, amongst other things, they may ask you for additional medical evaluations paid for by them so they can get a second opinion.  The SSA might also send you various forms and questionnaires to fill out which could give them very valuable perspective on how your conditions affect you day-to-day.

A perspective:  the paperwork is not a job application—For example, don’t describe yourself as the “manager” of a business or a department if you are just the senior person in the business or department.  “Managers” have various skills that could make you employable in other contexts, meaning you are not disabled.

The process of applying for Supplemental Security Income or Social Security Disability (DIB) can be long and arduous, and it may even be escalated to the hearing level. While you might think that you should call an Attorney as a last resort (after you’ve been denied several times, for example), it’s almost always wise to have them be involved and familiarized with your claim from the very beginning. It could bring validity to the case as well as ensure you will get the medical evidence you need and everything else done correctly and on time.

There’s no up-front cost to you and fees are a fixed percentage only contingent on a successful outcome of the case, so you shouldn’t delay calling an Attorney to get assistance on how to move forward with a case. Call the lawyers at Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center for a free consultation at 530-362-7188.

Related: Social Security law firm – GCWC
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