Hurt on the Job? Call Gold Country.

Workers Compensation Help in Roseville

Hurt on the Job? Call Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center.

Work conditions ought to be safe, clean, and fitting for an employee to work in. But if a work environment is made hazardous, it can result in someone being hurt on the job. Surprisingly, the probability of being hurt on the job is actually quite high. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 5,333 fatal work injuries recorded in the United States in 2019. This was a 2 percent increase from 2018.

While these cases vary, they’re not always the result of a worker being careless or irresponsible. In fact, many fields of work are just very dangerous or require a lot of manual labor. That means workers risk their safety by just doing their typical daily work duties and responsibilities – even while being as cautious as possible.

Employees that are provided outdated or poor quality tools, for example, may be injured as a result of the failure of the equipment or mishandling that can cause a catastrophic injury to themselves or their coworkers. In such a case, the worker wouldn’t necessarily be held responsible since their employer was the one who allowed the use of faulty equipment. Workers may also sustain a compensable injury from over-exhaustion as a result of poor workplace conditions, or by repetitive work over time in an non-ergonomic environment.

When a Workers’ Comp claim is filed, insurance companies will likely make whatever arguments necessary to avoid paying the injured worker benefits. Because there are a lot of different circumstances surrounding how an employee suffered an injury while working, with some cases falling in more gray areas than others, having an experienced law firm representing you and fighting for your right to compensation is always a good idea. For example, if your boss asked you to pick up supplies for work on your way back from lunch and you get into a car accident, you will need to show that you were driving the vehicle as part of your job when the accident happened.

An experienced law firm can help you after you were hurt on the job to decipher where your case fits into the Workers’ Compensation system. Proving your injury was related to your line of work is no easy task, so contacting a trustworthy Workers Comp Attorney like Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center will be the support you need while applying for benefits. Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center can provide you with competent representation to help secure you the money and benefits you deserve. Fees are a fixed percentage and contingent on a successful resolution of your case, so getting an attorney early in the process can not only save you time, but money as well. Call (530) 362-7188 today for a consultation.

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Work Injury in Sacramento

Workers’ Compensation Specialist in Roseville

Work Injury in Sacramento

Whether an employee was doing their best to avoid dangerous activity, if work conditions are made unsafe, they might be involved in a work injury in Sacramento. While most people in 2020 were given the recommendation to work from home if possible, there was still a surprising amount of workplace injuries. In fact, the number of injuries per 100 full-time workers remained unchanged from the previous year at 2.8. To no-one’s surprise, one of the occupations with the most job-related injuries and illnesses was nursing assistants being approximately 370 incidents per 10,000 full time equivalent workers. The other occupations with the most work injury in Sacramento cases were heavy truck and tractor-trailer truck drivers, laborers and freight, stock, and material movers, light truck drivers, construction laborers, maintenance and repair workers, stockers and order fillers, janitors and cleaners, registered nurses, and retail salespersons.

Most of these jobs are very dangerous and laborious industries that involve people risking their safety everyday, especially during an active pandemic. Even while taking the most precautions possible, there are still a lot of things that can be out of their control. If workers are equipped with tools that were not made well, and the misuse of them could end in a catastrophic injury, this isn’t inherently the fault of the worker. And injuries relating to overexhaustion can be the result of poor workplace conditions as well.

If you file a claim after suffering a work injury in Sacramento, an attorney will fight for your right to the compensation you deserve which could include not only medical bills but also lost wages. Meanwhile, insurance companies will want to make arguments that support the claim that you were primarily the one at fault so they can avoid paying for damages. Some cases of work injury in Sacramento have more gray areas than others, which is why it’s good to have a law firm on your side. For example, if you have to drive for work, and get involved in an accident, and you can prove it was not due to your negligence, then a court may make the employer liable, especially if you were driving the car as part of your job.

Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center is a law firm that can provide you with the money and benefits you deserve. Fees are a fixed percentage and contingent on a successful resolution of your case, so getting an attorney early in the process can not only save you time but money as well. So call (530) 362-7188 today for a consultation.

Gold Country is a Workers’ Comp and Disability Attorney prepared to get you the compensation you deserve if you are injured at work. Call us today for a free consultation at (530) 362-7188.

Related Media: California Disability Law Firm
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SSD for 2021

Disability Lawyer in Roseville

SSD for 2021

In the past twelve months, we have seen many changes to the norm, but SSD in 2021 has not changed as harshly as far as how one can qualify and obtain it. The Social Security Administration doesn’t make it particularly easy, and it more likely than not will result in a stressful process for the claimant, but if all the right evidence and information is organized and provided correctly, you are one step closer to getting SSD in 2021.

SSD stands for Social Security Disability and is also sometimes referred to as Retirement, Survivors, and Disability benefits (or RSDI) as well as Disability Insurance Benefits (or DIB). The Social Security Administration offers disabled individuals health and monetary benefits if they have worked long enough in the United States. Social Security will more than likely ask an extensive list of personal questions to determine how you are currently supporting yourself and how that will affect your qualification, so proving your eligibility is quite tedious.

On top of that they will follow up with any doctors or hospitals you have seen for the disabilities you listed in your application and confirm your conditions are unchanging or appearing to worsen. This will confirm with Social Security that your ailments are beyond a shadow of a doubt going to keep you from working and holding a job, especially one that is labor-intensive.

The Social Security Administration will not only look at medical records, they will want to see a list of the medications you’re on and will ask you questions like how many times you visit the grocery store or how often you do chores around your home.

An attorney can advise you on how best to answer certain questions, help you organize all the necessary documents, and help locate all the records needed to qualify for SSD in 2021. The process as a whole can be confusing as well as overwhelming which is why having a law firm there to assist you throughout the process is key. One of the first things you are recommended to do before applying is find an attorney that is available to help you through the process of applying for SSD in 2021.

Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center is not only a professional and successful law firm equipped to handle Social Security Disability claims but also Workers’ Comp claims for individuals injured on the job. Our goal is to get you the long-term benefits you rightfully deserve. Call us for a free consultation at (530) 362-7188.

Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center is a professional and successful law firm equipped to handle disability and workers’ comp claims. Our goal is to get you the long-term benefits you rightfully deserve. Call us for a free consultation at (530) 362-7188.

Or toll-free at 877-233-8399.

Related Media: California Disability Law Firm
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Colfax Workers Comp Lawyer

Workers Comp Lawyer California

Colfax Workers Comp Lawyer

A Colfax Workers Comp Lawyer is someone you should contact after sustaining an injury while performing a work-related activity. You may be entitled to compensation and might need to file a Workers’ Comp claim. That being said, there are several types of claims that can be filed in connection with a work-related injury. Depending on what type of claim it is, these kinds of “ancillary” claims may be prosecuted against an employer, its insurance company, or a “third party,” other than the employer.

These “ancillary” claims can include the following:

  1. A claim against a third party who caused or contributed to the injury, or who by operation of law had a special duty owed to you that “set up” the injury to occur, whether by negligence, or willful action

  2. A claim that the employer or its insurance company unreasonably denied or delayed the provision of benefits to an injured worker

  3. A claim that the employer discriminated or took adverse action, or harassed an injured worker because of the injury, for pursuing a claim, or because of a disability

  4. A claim that the employer’s serious and willful action caused the injury

If you have a work-related injury, the odds are very high that you will benefit by using a Colfax Workers Comp Lawyer. The rules and regulations of the Workers’ Compensation system are very complicated. Employers and insurance companies spend much time and money to minimize their own expenses (at your expense) when they are dealing with a work-related injury. Choosing an evaluating physician is a crucial step in the process, and familiarity with the evaluators is essential in obtaining a fair or even favorable evaluation.

These ancillary claims can provide significant benefits to the injured worker beyond and in addition to benefits provided through the regular Workers’ Compensation benefit package. Sometimes, they can also provide protection to injured workers from adverse action, harassment, or discrimination that may be taken against them by an employer. It’s safe to say that the presence of a Colfax Workers Comp Lawyer will often give the employer or insurance company an extra reason to follow the dictates of the law.

Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center is a Colfax Workers Comp Lawyer that can provide you with the money and benefits you deserve. Fees are a fixed percentage and contingent on a successful resolution of your case, so getting an attorney early in the process can not only save you time but money as well. So call (530) 362-7188 today for a consultation.

Or toll-free at 877-233-8399.

Related Media: California Disability Law Firm
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Penn Valley Workers Comp Lawyer

Sue for Damages as a result of your injury

Penn Valley Workers Comp Lawyer

Before filing for a Workers’ Compensation claim with a Penn Valley Workers Comp Lawyer, there are some things you need to know about what makes a claim. A good Penn Valley Workers Comp Lawyer knows that, if warranted, a lot of claims are payable under surprising circumstances, such as suffering an injury while in your own car (parked or driving), waiting outside your place of employment or worksite, on a work-related trip, working as an “independent contractor” according to your supervisor or a homeowner directing your activities, working while being an undocumented worker, or working without a permit.

These surprising circumstances may all potentially be proven to be an employee “work related” activity which means if you are injured, you or your dependents can be entitled to some kind of compensation.

A Penn Valley Workers Comp Lawyer understands that the rules and laws of compensation are complex and are not subject to the same rules and procedures that apply in regular civil court.

Many work-related injury cases involve establishing liability against third parties responsible for, or who contributed to an accident, providing an important extra source of recovery for the injured worker. And there are often other types of claims that can be brought when there is a work-related injury.

Additionally, the law and regulations are always changing. Starting in 2013, the claims process changed significantly, and certain previously important benefits became very difficult to get.  This was after the State adopted a new approach to evaluating Permanent Disability (PD) levels in 2005 that generally both created much confusion in the evaluation system and significantly reduced the number of benefits payable to the injured. Starting with a few recent WCAB opinions (February, 2009) the WCAB is reconsidering their evaluation approach, and while still subject to ongoing litigation, this review may provide ways to significantly increase PD benefits.

Often, the insurance company’s attorneys will want to take your sworn deposition before a court reporter to provide your statement to investigators, the employer, or to health care providers. The assistance of a Penn Valley Workers Comp Lawyer at this stage is crucial. You should never submit to questioning without an attorney’s assistance. The impact on your claim can be quite large.

Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center is a Penn Valley Workers Comp Lawyer that can provide you with the money and benefits you deserve. Fees are a fixed percentage and contingent on a successful resolution of your case, so getting an attorney early in the process can not only save you time but money as well. So call (530) 362-7188 today for a consultation.

Or toll-free at 877-233-8399.

Related Media: California Disability Law Firm
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