Sacramento Social Security Law

Workers Comp Lawyer California

Sacramento Social Security Law – GCWC

If you live in Sacramento California and need assistance with navigating Sacrarmentio social Security Law Call Gold Country Today!

Temporary or Permanent disability is a very real possibility with any injury, whether that is a mental impairment or a physical one, or a combination of the two. This results in having to drastically reduce the amount of time they dedicate to work, or even have to leave work altogether. We all primarily live off of wages to survive, which is why it’s crucial for you to have an understanding of Sacramento Social Security Law and how it can help you when you’re in this situation.

It won’t cost you more to hire an attorney as soon as possible, since all fees are a fixed percentage and are dependent on your firm winning the case. Having an attorney from the very beginning can mean a more efficient procedure right from the start. If you’re disabled, there are many things you already have to keep track of and worry about, but Social Security still has very specific rules and deadlines when it comes to submitting evidence and filing applications and appeals.

In fact, hiring a law firm to assist you with this could mean clearing up any doubts or questions you had about the process or guiding you through your options. Many people don’t know this, but Social Security offers two basic disability programs to which general members of the public can apply: SSI and SSDI. Both will provide monthly payments and medical benefits as long as the claimant who filed is eligible for either (or sometimes both). SSDI pays much better and provides more comprehensive medical benefits, but not everyone qualifies for it depending on their work history. If in doubt about which to apply for, apply for both. You can apply for SSDI online but you must submit a written application to get SSI benefits to your local SSA district office. An attorney already knows the best ways to contact the local offices, so even when applying in the early stages of the procedures, there is still great benefit to hiring someone with experience.

If you require assistance with Sacramento Social Security Law or were injured on the job, Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center will help fight for the compensation you deserve. We offer almost 50 years of legal experience, most of which is in Workers’ Compensation and Disability/Social Security. We have helped many people just like you resolve their issues with a positive outcome. There is no charge for the initial consultation. Call us at 530-362-7188.

Related: Social Security law firm – GCWC
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Work Injury in California

Workers Compensation Center Sacramento

Work Injury in California

Using statistics is a great tool for employers and workers to make their work conditions safer and healthier and to prevent a Work Injury in California. But this isn’t always the case because employers might cut corners and inevitably violate safety laws. In fact, workplace OSHA violations such as fall protection and ladder injuries rose to a top five spot in 2019. Employers should use this information in order to protect their employees, especially since certain industries require a lot of intensive labor, operating heavy machinery, and carrying around bulky objects.


The top ten most common OSHA violations in 2020 were:


  • Fall Protection – General Requirements: 5,424 violations

  • Hazard Communication: 3,199 violations

  • Respiratory Protection: 2,649 violations

  • Scaffolding: 2,538 violations

  • Ladders: 2,129 violations

  • Lockout/Tagout: 2,065 violations

  • Powered Industrial Trucks: 1,932 violations

  • Fall Protection – Training Requirements: 1,621 violations

  • Personal Protective and Life Saving Equipment – Eye and Face Protection: 1,369 violations

  • Machine Guarding: 1,313 violations


One might not realize, but injuries and fatalities related to driving are on the rise as well. There are a variety of different jobs that involve being on the road, and if you are involved in an accident while driving for work it is considered a work-related injury. These jobs include a taxi service, school bus driver, shuttle driver, chauffeur, delivery, tow truck driver, etc.


Accidents typically occur due to falls, being struck by an object, electrocutions, and getting caught in or between objects and machinery, and these often occur in construction workplaces. The manufacturing industry accounted for 15% of all 2019 private industry, nonfatal work injury in California. And other industries with very high rates of injury include transportation and warehousing, agriculture, fishing, and hunting, government, retail trade, leisure and hospitality, educational and health services, wholesale trade, mining, and quarrying.


While employers can use this information to make their workplace as safe as possible, they might not always have your best interest in mind if you suffered a Work Injury in California. You have a right to seek compensation, but an employer and their insurance company want to save as much money as possible. Once you receive the necessary medical treatment, you should call an Attorney so they can guide you.

Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center, P.C. is law firm handling Work Injury cases in the Sacramento area that will fight to provide you with the money and benefits you deserve from your work injury. Fees are a fixed percentage and contingent on a successful resolution of your case. Getting an attorney early in the process can not only save you time, but money as well. So call (530) 362-7188 today for a free consultation.

Related Media: California Disability Law Firm
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SSD for 2021

Disability Lawyer in Roseville

SSD for 2021

In the past twelve months, we have seen many changes to the norm, but SSD in 2021 has not changed as harshly as far as how one can qualify and obtain it. The Social Security Administration doesn’t make it particularly easy, and it more likely than not will result in a stressful process for the claimant, but if all the right evidence and information is organized and provided correctly, you are one step closer to getting SSD in 2021.

SSD stands for Social Security Disability and is also sometimes referred to as Retirement, Survivors, and Disability benefits (or RSDI) as well as Disability Insurance Benefits (or DIB). The Social Security Administration offers disabled individuals health and monetary benefits if they have worked long enough in the United States. Social Security will more than likely ask an extensive list of personal questions to determine how you are currently supporting yourself and how that will affect your qualification, so proving your eligibility is quite tedious.

On top of that they will follow up with any doctors or hospitals you have seen for the disabilities you listed in your application and confirm your conditions are unchanging or appearing to worsen. This will confirm with Social Security that your ailments are beyond a shadow of a doubt going to keep you from working and holding a job, especially one that is labor-intensive.

The Social Security Administration will not only look at medical records, they will want to see a list of the medications you’re on and will ask you questions like how many times you visit the grocery store or how often you do chores around your home.

An attorney can advise you on how best to answer certain questions, help you organize all the necessary documents, and help locate all the records needed to qualify for SSD in 2021. The process as a whole can be confusing as well as overwhelming which is why having a law firm there to assist you throughout the process is key. One of the first things you are recommended to do before applying is find an attorney that is available to help you through the process of applying for SSD in 2021.

Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center is not only a professional and successful law firm equipped to handle Social Security Disability claims but also Workers’ Comp claims for individuals injured on the job. Our goal is to get you the long-term benefits you rightfully deserve. Call us for a free consultation at (530) 362-7188.

Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center is a professional and successful law firm equipped to handle disability and workers’ comp claims. Our goal is to get you the long-term benefits you rightfully deserve. Call us for a free consultation at (530) 362-7188.

Or toll-free at 877-233-8399.

Related Media: California Disability Law Firm
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Workers Comp Law by GCWC

Sue for Damages as a result of your injury

Workers Comp Law by Gold Country Workers Comp

When talking about Workers Comp Law, it is surprising to note that unfortunately anyone can be injured on the job and suffer catastrophic injuries in the process. This could mean that whether you have a very dangerous job like sanitation or transportation, or you work at an office or even from home, certain injuries can still be covered by Workers’ Comp as long as the accident that occurred or the illness you contracted was caused by exposure to work activities, materials, and equipment. Workers Comp Law can be a little tricky and sometimes have a lot of gray areas that don’t seem very clear, which is why you should contact an attorney as soon as your accident is reported to your employer.

To put it simply, in order for you to qualify for Workers’ Comp benefits, you must prove that the injury or illness was connected to work. The terms are often called “AOE/COE” (arising out of employment and occurring during the course of employment).

The kinds of injuries or illnesses that may be covered include:

Occupational Illnesses

Repetitive Motion and Overuse Injuries

Pre-Existing Conditions

Hearing Loss

Stress-Related Injuries

Stress Resulting from Work-Related Physical Injuries

This means that illnesses can range from black lung disease caused by exposure to coal dust, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, and back pain from factory workers and home health aides, coders, and graphic designers, hearing loss due to noisy jobs like construction sites, and more.

That being said, some injuries and illnesses are easier to prove than others. For example, occupational diseases such as things like asbestosis are not considered ordinary diseases of life (like high blood pressure, heart disease, etc) and could have only happened due to exposure to asbestos. If that claimant’s job has regular exposure to it, then it’s relatively clear where he got the illness. Whereas, it may be difficult or even impossible to get workers’ comp benefits for illnesses caused by on-the-job stress, depending on where you live, the nature of your illness, and the reason for the stress. Many states allow workers’ comp claims for stress-related psychological conditions, but only if they were caused by a sudden, extraordinary traumatic event at work, such as when a convenience store clerk is held up at gunpoint.

An experienced law firm can help you decipher where your case fits into Workers Comp Law and how you can prove your injury is related to your line of work. Contacting a trustworthy Workers Comp Law Attorney like Gold Country Worker’s Comp Center will be the support you need while applying for benefits. To schedule a free consultation, call (530) 362-7188.

Or toll-free at 877-233-8399.

Related Media: California Disability Law Firm
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Disability Law by Gold Country

Disability law

Disability Law by Gold Country

Disability law can be a very confusing, exhausting, and very time-consuming process that you don’t have to handle on your own. An Attorney can fight by your side while you figure out this tiring process and get the compensation you deserve. In fact, many people who might qualify for some kind of disability benefits don’t know they should apply until it’s often too late. And while disability law may be complicated, ringing up the best lawyer for the job is something quick and easy you can do to get the process started.

If you call a law firm like Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center, you are sure to have a team of excellent attorneys working diligently towards getting you the benefits you deserve. If your impairments happened due to a work-related incident, you can be assisted in filing and pursuing a Workers’ Comp claim. It isn’t only up to the employer’s insurance coverage whether or not you will receive compensation and how much that is, there might be cases where you can receive penalties for unreasonably delayed benefits, failure to adequately investigate a claim or be awarded additional compensation for discrimination for having filed a claim or for willfully causing a serious injury.  There are basically two ways to view this issue: If your injury was due to someone else’s negligence, you probably can to sue in civil court, a slow and tedious forum for recovering damages, and perhaps larger awards to compensate you for your injuries, but you cannot sue your employer or co-employee for civil damages.  Workers’ Compensation on the other hand provides a relatively speedy and informal way of getting medical care and some compensation for your lost wages and long term impact of your injury.

And if these medical impairments continue to worsen, especially if you’ve had to leave work altogether and have no idea when you’ll be going back, it might be time to file a  State Disability claim and/or a Social Security Disability claim. You might even be able to pursue both the Workers’ Comp claim and State Disability and SSD claims at once, but no case is exactly the same as any other. Having an experienced attorney there to guide you through either or both of these kinds of claims is the kind of guidance you need in order to know where your time is better spent. Sometimes it’s worth pursuing what you can as soon as possible, and other times something could be deterring you from getting something else.

Disability law is tricky, and depending on which institution you’re dealing with, many people will try giving you either false information or making you drown in the paperwork that will leave you feeling exhausted and defeated. Having a disability law firm on your side also means that your claims gain that much more validity and credit, since the institutions you’re going against will understand that an attorney won’t spend their time and money on a case they can’t win. Call Gold Country for a free consultation at 530-362-7188

Related: Social Security law firm – GCWC
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