Sacramento Workers Compensation

Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Near Me

Sacramento Workers Compensation with GCWC

If you’re wondering about Sacramento Workers Compensation, one should note that just about anyone can be injured on the job and suffer catastrophic injuries in the process. So whether you work in sanitation or transportation, which can often be considered a high-risk job, or you work at an office or even from home, certain injuries can still be covered by Workers’ Comp. That is, as long as the incident that occured or the illness you contracted was caused by exposure to work activities, materials, and equipment. Sacramento Workers Compensation can have a lot of gray areas that don’t seem very clear and tends to be overwhelming to deal with, especially by yourself, which is why you should contact an Attorney as soon as possible.

An experienced law firm knows that some injuries and illnesses are easier to prove than others. For example, asbestosis (which is considered an occupational disease) is not considered an ordinary disease of life (like high blood pressure, heart disease, etc) and could have only happened due to exposure to asbestos. If a claimant’s job has regular exposure to it, then it’s relatively clear where he got the illness. Whereas, when it comes to on-the-job stress, it will be more difficult to get benefits depending on where you live, the nature of your illness, and the reason for the stress. Many states allow workers’ comp claims for stress-related psychological conditions, but only if they were caused by a sudden, extraordinarily traumatic event at work, such as when a convenience store clerk is held up at gunpoint.

In order for you to qualify for Workers’ Comp benefits, you must prove that the injury or illness arose out of employment and/or occurred during the course of employment.

In such cases, you’ll often see these kinds of injuries or illnesses covered:

  • Occupational Illnesses
  • Repetitive Motion and Overuse Injuries
  • Pre-Existing Conditions
  • Hearing Loss
  • Stress-Related Injuries
  • Stress Resulting from Work-Related Physical Injuries

This means that illnesses can range from black lung disease caused by exposure to coal dust, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, and back pain from factory workers and home health aides, coders, and graphic designers, hearing loss due to noisy jobs like construction sites, and more.

An experienced attorney can help you decipher where your case fits into Sacramento Workers Compensation and how you can prove your injury occurred because of and during work. Contacting a trustworthy Sacramento Workers Compensation Attorney like Gold Country Worker’s Comp Center will be the support you need while applying for benefits. To schedule a free consultation, call (530) 362-7188.

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