California SSI with GCWC

Worker's Comp Lawyer


When is it a good time to file for a California SSI claim? The answer to this question varies a lot from individual claimant to claimant, but there are still many guidelines one has to follow to qualify for California SSI benefits.

Disabilities, chronic illnesses, and conditions can affect everyone in different ways. For one, someone could have suffered from an illness from a very young age while others develop one over time or a traumatic injury triggered the development of one. Regardless, you must establish the severity of your condition and speak to a medical professional about your ability to work. They may professionally advise you to stop working, go on bed rest, have someone assist you in your home, etc. At this point, it might be a good idea to explore your options regarding supplemental income and health benefits.

The best time to file for Social Security Disability benefits is as soon as you are out of work due to your ailments. Even if you end up not qualifying or even if your claim ends up denied, many people think they have to wait over a certain time to file. If you file as soon as you are out of work, you can assist in gathering evidence over time while the claim is pending and cooperate with what Social Security asks of you. This could mean filling out questionnaires, going to evaluations, or simply answering questions over the phone.

Usually it’s in your best interest to have an attorney act as a middleman in this situation since they can provide a better buffer between you and the Social Security representatives. For example, before you answer their questions with vague or simple answers, a lawyer can better prepare and advise you on how best to answer the questions. That’s not to say that a lawyer will give you a specific answer that is sure to grant you California SSI benefits. As we’ve noted above, every case is different, but an attorney knows what Social Security is looking for. They can advise you to give them a certain amount of information in one aspect of your condition, or maybe recommend you refrain from giving too much information in another aspect. Every California SSI is extremely different, but the guidelines to qualify still remain the same.

Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center is a professional and successful law firm equipped to handle disability and workers’ comp claims. Our goal is to get you the long-term benefits you rightfully deserve. Call us for a free consultation at (530) 362-7188.

Or toll-free at 877-233-8399.

Related Media: California Disability Law Firm
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California Disability Case

California Disability Case

California Disability Case with GCWC

Filing a California Disability Case can vary greatly from the claimant to claimant. The complexities of the individual case can make the outcome very different depending on what disabilities the person has, what their income status is, and what their prior work history was. You don’t have to wrap your head around trying to figure out the ins and outs of a California Disability Case from the beginning, though. You can hire an attorney to help you through the process no matter how complex you think the case might be.

For instance, depending on the intensity level of the job you worked prior to filing for disability, the way the outcome is determined may vary from case to case. Some people do light or sedentary work, like working on a computer or clerical duties. Others may have work experience dealing in labor or construction, making it medium or heavy work. This is then compared to the kinds of ailments you suffer from and how likely you are able to go back to what you’re experienced in doing. A laborer who suffered a severe back injury may not likely be able to do their previous work and may not end up only being able to do light or sedentary work. And depending on their age, the likelihood that they can be trained to do a job outside of what they have been used to doing for more than a decade is very low. Thus more than likely granting them disability benefits if the right kind of evidence is provided throughout the claim.

Social Security will try to make a determination within a few months of a claimant applying for benefits. A representative will want many documents filled out and will follow up with doctors, hospitals, and clinics the claimant has gone to for treatment of their conditions. If you are applying for a California Disability Case, it can be very stressful to do this on your own. Handling a busy schedule of attending doctors’ visits, organizing your medications, and overall looking after yourself is more than enough to deal with. Let a professional Attorney handle your disability claim so that you may not have to.

Gold Country Workers’ Comp is a law firm dedicated to not only assist people who were injured on the job but will also assist with peoples’ California Disability Case and get their clients the compensation they deserve. If you or someone you know is disabled and needs help with a claim, call (530) 362-7188 for a free consultation.

Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center is a professional and successful law firm equipped to handle disability and workers’ comp claims. Our goal is to get you the long-term benefits you rightfully deserve. Call us for a free consultation at (530) 362-7188.

Or toll-free at 877-233-8399.

Related Media: California Disability Law Firm
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SSI in 2021 with Gold Country

Workers’ Compensation Firm in Roseville

SSI in 2021 with Gold Country

If you’re looking for information on how to apply for SSI in 2021, you may want to look into seeking the advice and guidance of an Attorney. People may not always understand what it takes to qualify for Disability benefits, and it can often seem like a daunting task just trying to find the right places to get the correct information. With many terms, deadlines, and regulations, it’s easy to get lost in the process if you’re doing it on your own. But seeking SSI in 2021 does not have to be impossible. A law firm like Gold Country Workers’ Comp can be the support you need to get the benefits you deserve.

If you find yourself unable to work, you may want to consider calling our firm so that we may consult with you on what we recommend. Every case is very different, and while not all people qualify for benefits, it doesn’t mean that you can only get said benefits by having a specific disability. People with both physical and mental disorders can qualify for SSI as long as they don’t have any additional income over a certain amount. Some people may be hospitalized frequently for their illnesses, but whether or not this is the case for you, as long as your disorders keep you from working, then it’s likely you are eligible for some compensation. After all, not all disabilities are one size fits all.

If you or a loved one has suffered from a work-related injury, you can be assured that our firm will do their very best to fight for the compensation you deserve. We recommend you contact us as soon as possible, as it is never worth it to wait on filing a claim. Retaining an attorney right from the start also gives you the advantage of getting the right advice on how to proceed. Whether it means making sure your application isn’t missing key details or helping you through overwhelming amounts of forms and questionnaires you might have to fill out.

If an Attorney also has the opportunity to familiarize themselves with your SSI in 2021 case from the beginning, it can mean a successful outcome when it comes down to going in front of an Administrative Law Judge, if that ever becomes necessary.

At Gold Country Workers Comp, we will only collect our fees once the case is resolved. We work on a contingency basis which means that our fees are paid as a set percentage of your award. If you have any questions about SSI in 2021 or need help, please call (530) 362-7188 for a free consultation.



Related: Social Security law firm – GCWC
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SSI Lawyer in California with GCWC

Workers’ Comp Center Near Roseville

SSI Lawyer in California with GCWC

If you need an SSI or Social Security lawyer in California look to the professionals at Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center. Our attorneys know the ins and outs of Social Security Disability claims. we also have a deep understanding of navigating the laws of the benefits unique to California residents. In the state of California, for example, there is a law that deducts a small portion of your paycheck. This deduction is deposited into a social disability fund, to which is accessed to pay benefits to you if you medically cannot perform your regular work.

Hiring an SSI or Social Security lawyer in California will give you insight into which programs and services work best for your circumstances. Each program has pros, cons, and benefits, and sometimes there’s a possibility to qualify for more than one at a time.

Outside of California specific laws and programs, SSI and SSD are available to any citizen or legal resident who can prove they qualify or meet the needs to activate this benefit. If you have questions about whether you qualify for benefits, you should contact an SSI Lawyer in Sacramento as soon as possible. SSI lawyers do not charge an upfront fee, and may even work pro bono. It is in your best interest to seek one out if you intend to seek SSI or SSD benefits.

Qualifying for SSI benefits is not easy and has a strict vetting process. Being diagnosed with a serous illness or medical condition itself isn’t cause for disability, the courts want to see how the illness or injury has genuinely prevented you from being able to work. This can mean a myriad of stress-inducing questions and forms to fill out, which is why having a lawyer by your side is not only advantageous but a great support system.

Attorneys Kim LaValley and Kyle Adamson of Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center have worked for many years on behalf of their clients pursuing Social Security benefits and have an excellent record in winning their cases. They have received praise for their work from many specialists in the field, including witnesses called by the government to testify against their clients. Please call us for a consultation at…



Related: Social Security law firm – GCWC
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SSD in California by Gold Country

Social Security Disability Info

If you’re looking to apply for Social Security benefits in California, you might need to know about the requirements and rules that go with it. SSD stands for Social Security Disability, but you might also see this program under the title DIB (Disability Insurance Benefits) or RSDI (Retirement Survivors and Disability Insurance).  If you have not contributed enough to qualify for DIB, if disabled, you may still qualify for SSI. To be eligible for SSD in California, a person must be unable to engage in work, which the SSA refers to as Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA). That being said, if you are still employed and earning more than about $1200/month, the SSA will probably consider this as engaging in SGA.

Although Social Security allows some trial work periods, where they allow you to collect benefits while working very limited hours and earning a small income amount per month, depending on the disabilities you claim, it will be more difficult to get your benefits if you’re still working. This doesn’t mean that you should be out of work for a long period of time before you apply. On the contrary, you can apply as soon as you have stopped working due to medical disabilities and with medical evidence you will be disabled for at least 12 consecutive months. Some people think their impairments will get better over time, or they will apply for other benefits and wait for those results before applying for SSD. We don’t recommend that you wait as it can keep you from getting the back pay you deserve. Having an Attorney guide you through the process will ensure you have the best advice regarding how to get the best outcome depending on your situation.

You can apply for Social Security benefits on line.  Go to  ANY OTHER EXTENSION OTHER THAN .gov WILL PROBABLY TAKE YOU TO A LAW FIRM’s website, many of which designed to appear as if you are applying for Social Security benefits, AND PROVIDING THEM WITH INFORMATION MAY OBLIGATE YOU TO PAY AN ATTORNEY’S FEE TO THEM.

Once an Attorney has helped you through the application process, it’s always a good idea to have some evidence handy so your lawyer can have as much information about the case and they can make sure it gets to the proper representatives. This could include medical records, lists of medications, and sometimes even tax-related forms in case Social Security might need clarification on past work and wages. In fact, during the process of applying for SSD in California, a representative may even ask you about your day-to-day habits and how they affect your disabilities. Every case is different and varies greatly, so having an Attorney to consult is greatly recommended to make sure everything is processed accurately and on time.

Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center is a professional and successful law firm equipped to handle disability and workers’ comp claims including SSD in California. Our goal is to get you the long-term benefits you rightfully deserve. Call us for a free consultation at (530) 362-7188.

Related: Social Security law firm – GCWC
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