California Workers Compensation in 2022

California Workers Compensation in 2022

IF you suffer a work injury in the new year, you’ll likely need legal help in seeking California Workers’ Compensation in 2022. The first thing you should do is report the accident to your employer, but soon after you should contact an Attorney so they can guide you through the process. Filing a California Workers’ Compensation claim might sound simple, but a trustworthy law firm can help you follow up with doctors, gathering the appropriate evidence, and even advising you on what not to do, which can be just as important.

From 2016 to 2017, the most common workers’ compensation injuries were overexertion, which includes big lifts, pulls, pushes, or throws that force a joint or muscle beyond its usual range of motion. Slip and falls, which can happen from wet floors or snowy walkways, are common. Electrocution, which can result in severe burns, cardiac arrest, nerve damage, or even brain injury, are also common. So is being stuck by an object such as a bookshelf, a barricade, or other stationary objects. Transportation incidents while driving for work, such as in the case of truck drivers. Other common injuries include machinery accidents in factories or construction sites, unintentional overdoses, workplace violence, such as in the case of nurses, psychiatric evaluators, and probation officers, exposure to harmful substances such as chemical exposure like asbestos, lead, and acids, and fires or explosions which can also result in inhalation issues, loss of hearing or sight, lung damage, brain injuries, shock wave injuries, and respiratory or cardiac arrest.

The best way to avoid these injuries is to create a safe work environment, but in the event that something does occur, a California Workers’ Compensation must be filed within 30 days of an injury and an Attorney should be contacted immediately to help you through the process. Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center is a law firm that will only be paid after the resolution of your case from the settlement or award. There are no upfront costs to you.

The insurance company might try to dissuade you from getting legal help, and it may seem that it is in your best interest to pocket all of your compensation. But oftentimes, an attorney can help your chances of not only winning your claim but getting you as much owed to you as possible. Insurance companies want to pay as little as possible, so they aren’t necessarily looking out for your best interests.

After contacting Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center, California Workers’ Compensation benefits will be easier to get to the full extent of the law, including medical care, because you have a good support system while enduring the process. Your initial consultation is free, and they will be dedicated to serving your every step of the way. Call today at (530) 362-7188.

Related Media: California Disability Law Firm
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Sacramento Workers Comp

Workers Comp Lawyer California

Sacramento Workers Comp

Many work injury claims vary from case to case, but you may be entitled to Sacramento Workers Comp if you were injured on the job nevertheless. There is a chance to get injured in almost any field of work, although there are of course some at higher risk of getting injured or developing health complications because of their work conditions.

Even in varied claims, a standard Sacramento Workers Comp injury claim will entitle you to benefits such as medical care to cure or relieve you from the effects of the injury, mileage and travel expenses incurred in connection with treatment, obtaining prescriptions, traveling to a deposition or to medical evaluations. Also, if your employer can’t or won’t offer you a lighter or modified job paying what you were making before you got hurt, you should receive weekly Temporary Disability payments based on your actual wage loss calculated on the basis of all earnings from all sources.

Some workers might be exempt from receiving workers’ comp benefits depending on the state they’re in, such as housekeepers, babysitters, agricultural workers, and undocumented workers. Whereas, in  Florida, for example, you may receive Sacramento Workers Comp if your job presented a hazard that was different than the “usual run of occupations,” or that the incidence of the disease is substantially higher than usual in your job.

The first thing you should do after suffering an injury of any kind is to seek medical help, but once you’ve done that, you should immediately call a law firm who handles Work Injury Compensation for a free consultation to find out if you are covered by the Workers’ Compensation laws. And in the unfortunate event of death, certain dependents can be entitled to benefits, so they should seek out a consultation to determine if the death of their family member was job-related.

After filing a claim for Sacramento Workers Comp benefits and contacting a Work Injury Compensation Attorney, it might be difficult to support yourself while not receiving an income. There are actually various programs that may be able to provide you with extra income while you are not working. One of the options is to file for Social Security Disability benefits, and your Attorney can actually help you through this process as well.

Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center can provide you with the money and benefits you deserve. Fees are a fixed percentage and contingent on a successful resolution of your case, so getting an attorney early in the process can not only save you time but money as well. So call (530) 362-7188 today for a consultation.

Related Media: California Disability Law Firm
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Work Injury in Sacramento California

Unable to Work due to Injury?

Work Injury in Sacramento California

Reputable employers view the statistics of a Work Injury in Sacramento California as a way to try to make their workplace conditions safe and healthy for employees, but some injuries or illnesses are almost unavoidable. In fact, workplace fatalities reached the highest level in 12 years with 5,333 fatalities in 2019. This number represented a 1.65% increase from 2018. A grim way of looking at these statistics is that a worker dies every 99 minutes from a work injury in Sacramento. This wasn’t just due to slip and falls or other related accidents. About 300 of those deaths were suicides attributable to work-related stress.

The most common occupations of work place fatalities were:

  • Nursing assistants

  • Heavy truck and tractor-trailer truck drivers

  • Laborers and freight, stock, and material movers

  • Light truck drivers

  • Construction laborers

  • Maintenance and repair workers

  • Stockers and order fillers

  • Janitors and cleaners

  • Registered nurses

  • Retail salespersons

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and OSHA have termed the four leading causes of work related deaths the “fatal four” due to the increasing instances of injuries caused by these actions. This includes falls, being struck by an object, electrocutions, and caught in or between objects. These “fatal four” types of accidents can be attributed primarily to construction work. In fact, construction has some of the highest fatality rates of Work Injury in Sacramento with 9.7% of all fatal work injuries.

The manufacturing industry accounted for 15% of all 2019 private industry nonfatal injuries and illnesses. The other industries with very high rates of injury include transportation and warehousing, agriculture, fishing, and hunting, government, retail trade, leisure and hospitality, educational and health services, wholesale trade, mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction.

The numbers seldom lie, and with this information employers can make their workplace as safe as possible. But if you or someone you love is involved in a work-related accident, you have the right to seek compensation. Once you receive the necessary medical treatment, you should call an Attorney as soon as possible so they can give you the best advice on how to move forward with your claim.

Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center, P.C. is a law firm handling cases of Work Injury in Sacramento and will fight to provide you with the money and benefits you deserve under law. Fees are a fixed percentage and contingent on a successful resolution of your case. Getting an attorney early in the process can not only save you time, but money as well. So call (530) 362-7188 today for a free consultation.

Related Media: California Disability Law Firm
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Work Related Injury Case

Workers Compensation Roseville

Work Related Injury Case

Across many jobs, whether labor or administrative, people have the risk of being involved in a work related injury. This is why it’s very important for an employee to know their rights and for an employer to make sure they follow OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) guidelines to make the workplace safe. When employers take the necessary precautions, the risk of a Work Related Injury occurring is much lower. But that doesn’t mean they don’t still happen year after year.

There are many injuries that one can suffer from the job. Some of the most common OSHA violations in 2021 include fall protection violations, where a worker was found to be at four feet of height or more without protection, hazard communication standard violations, where chemical hazards may not have been evaluated properly or prepared appropriate labels or safety data, scaffolding violations, where an employee has fallen from a support giving way, respiratory protection violations, where a worker was exposed to harmful dust, smoke, mist, an gases, and ladder violations, where a worker might have fallen from a ladder. And that’s just a few.

If you were involved in a Work Related Injury, especially if there were OSHA violations and your employer could have otherwise provided a safe work environment to prevent the accident you were involved in, you have the right to file for Workers’ Compensation benefits.

Having an Attorney on your side if you want to file a claim is very important. There’s always a possibility your employer or insurance carrier denies your injury even happened at work, especially if it goes unreported. And even when an injury is aggravated further at work and becomes serious, you may still have a right to compensation. An example of this is when the long-term effects of exposure to something such as toxic substances at work result in a disease.

If you suffer a Work Related Injury, you should immediately notify your employer and start the reporting process. The company must provide you with the proper paperwork and file your reported claim with its insurance carrier. Reporting regulations and deadlines vary from state to state, but it should typically take no longer than 30 days to complete this process. If your employer takes too long in doing this, having an Attorney may make them take it more seriously.

Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center, P.C. is a law firm handling work injury cases in the Sacramento area that fights to provide you with the money and benefits you deserve for your workplace injury. Fees are a fixed percentage and contingent on a successful resolution of your case. So getting an attorney early in the process can not only save you time, but money as well. So call (530) 362-7188 today for a free consultation.

Related Media: California Disability Law Firm
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 Hurt on the job in Sacramento

Sue for Damages as a result of your injury

 Hurt on the job in Sacramento


Workers from all walks of life are at risk of getting hurt on the job in Sacramento, whether they are a construction worker, a teacher, a driver, etc. This is why it’s very important for an employee to know their rights and for an employer to follow the proper safety protocols to make sure their workplace is safe. When employers take the necessary precautions, the risk of getting hurt on the job in Sacramento is much lower. But that does not mean it doesn’t still happen.


Permanent disability may result from a specific incident injury, like a box falling on you in a stockroom, or from the cumulative effect of overuse of a body part or overexertion due to your work duties that cause degenerative changes over time. With extraordinary injuries, such as suffering paralysis from an injury, permanent disability may prevent you from ever fully returning to work. Of course, you are able to seek compensation, but the reality is that insurance companies are more likely to contest such claims because they are the most expensive. This is why having an Attorney is so important because they can help you fight for your rights.

Preexisting conditions are not a bar to compensation for a work injury. Even if you have a preexisting condition, you can still file for benefits after being hurt on the job in Sacramento. But insurance companies often deny such claims and it can be tough for an unrepresented injured worker to prove that the work you did on the job exacerbated your preexisting condition. Having an attorney in your corner to fight for you in these situations allows you focus on what’s important, your recovery.

Having an Attorney is especially important when it comes to your treatment because your doctor may recommend specialized treatments or procedures that the insurance company should pay for, but may deny — or try and settle with an unrepresented injured worker to get around otherwise expensive, but necessary, medical treatment. Any adequate workers’ compensation settlement offer should consider lost earnings and medical expenses in addition to permanent disability benefits.

Many insurance companies base settlements only on permanent disability benefits, which are based on a rating system determined by examining doctors. If the insurance company doesn’t agree with the rating it can require you to attend an qualified medical exam (QME) by another doctor, and depending on the circumstances the insurance company may be able to select that doctor for you. If that happens, chances are that doctor will give you a lower rating than what you feel you deserve. A lawyer can help either avoid such situations early on or convince a judge that you are entitled to a higher rating or a different QME doctor.


A lawyer can help you file your claim for workers’ comp benefits and make sure to structure any settlement to minimize or eliminate the offset of the benefits you could get through other programs, such as Social Security, or can file a lawsuit if someone other than your employer contributed to your injury. If you were hurt on the job in Sacramento, Gold Country Workers Comp Center, P.C. is a trusted and responsible law firm that will help you no matter the claim. Call them for a free consultation at (530) 362-7188.

Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center, P.C. handles work injury cases in the Sacramento area and will advocate for you to get you the money and benefits you deserve. Fees are a fixed percentage and contingent on a successful resolution of your case, so getting an attorney early in the process not only save you time, but money as well. So call (530) 362-7188 today for a consultation.

Related Media: California Disability Law Firm
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