Workers Comp Injury And Compensation

Workplace Injury Lawyers Roseville

Are you considering filing a workers comp injury claim but unsure where to start? A work-related injury can cause an incredible amount of personal and financial stress on you and your family. This is in addition to the challenging road that is medical treatment and rehabilitation. 

Workers’ compensation is a very helpful entitlement program that is widely used. The program can best be understood as a series of benefits that assist employees following a work-related injury or illness. An injury or illness can be caused by a specific incident or could be the result of cumulative trauma (suffered little-by-little over the course of time). 

A workers’ comp attorney can assist you through the process of filing your workers’ comp injury claim. They offer a number of additional services that can mean the difference between receiving the benefits you are entitled to and having your claim undervalued or denied. 

Continue reading to learn more about worker’s compensation and how a workers comp lawyer can assist you. If you would like to learn more or wish to schedule a free case consultation with a California workers compensation attorney, please contact Gold Country Workers Comp Center today for help. 

How Workers’ Compensation Benefits Are Handled

All employers are required by law to provide benefits to their employees in the event of a work-related injury or illness. Generally, employers will pay into a workers’ comp insurance policy offered by an insurance company.  Since most employers have workers’ compensation insurance, the insurance company is the party you will be dealing with during the workers’ comp claims process. 

Not only does the workers’ comp claims process pose a number of challenges for employees, but the insurance company can also act aggressively to withhold the full benefits you are entitled to. Although many workers attempt to navigate the claims process themselves it unfortunately usually results in a denied or substantially undervalued claim. 

You do not have to navigate the process or deal with the insurance companies yourself. One of the most important advantages of hiring a workers comp injury attorney is the experienced consultation and representation they provide.  And the  attorney’s fee is contingent on the amount of the recovery.  You NEVER have to pay for anything to have an experienced workers’ compensation attorney fully prosecute your claim

Filing A Workers’ Comp Claim

Filing a workers compensation claim requires that a number of strict regulations are followed. Failing to do so will result in a denied or undervalued claim. Workers’ comp claims are most commonly denied because of missed deadlines and incomplete documentation. A workers’ comp injury attorney can assist you by gathering all the proper documentation and meeting all the filing requirements. 

Employees should remember that every state has its own unique laws and workers comp regulations that must be followed. Unless the employer is so rich it can afford to pay all expected injury claims out-of-pocket, the employer does not pay for the benefits. Instead, the workers’ comp insurance provider is responsible for compensation. 

Hire A Workers Comp Injury Attorney

If you have been in a work-related accident or have contracted a related illness, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. An experienced workers comp injury attorney will stand by you every step of the way through the claims process.

If you would like to discuss your workers’ comp claim please call Gold Country Comp Center at 530-362-7188.

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Workers Comp Injury