Social Security Disability Law

Attorney for Workers Comp in Roseville

Social Security Disability Law

What does it take to get Social Security Disability benefits? For everyone it can vary. At the beginning of trying to establish your eligibility, you may want to get a consultation from an Attorney to know how to move forward. There is more than one kind of claim you can file and different ways to determine which one you will qualify for. Other than that, everyone’s conditions vary from person to person. Not everyone who has a cardiac condition, for example, will immediately get their benefits once they prove to a medical examiner that they were diagnosed with said illness.

Although this isn’t like Workers’ Comp, where you had to be injured on the job to qualify for certain benefits, if you were injured on the job and the injuries result in long-term debilitating conditions, then you could still qualify for Social Security Disability benefits.

Some people are born already having debilitating conditions, and as they grow, this could affect their ability to handle their day-to-day tasks in school or their ability to socialize with other kids their age. And if they meet qualifying criteria, a child can receive SSI benefits for such disabilities.

On the other hand, others develop them through external factors, such as a traumatic event. For example, many veterans are likely to suffer from PTSD, Tinnitus, knee conditions, lumbar and cervical strains, migraines, and paralysis, so they could qualify for Social Security Disability benefits in addition to their pension, especially if their disability rating is very high.

And even in circumstances outside of pre-existing conditions etc, if you were involved in an accident that results in long-term injuries, you may want to consult with an attorney about your eligibility as well. Sometimes you can even file for a Social Security Disability while you’re waiting to receive benefits such as Worker’s Comp, and vice versa so there’s often no real reason to delay applying for both types of benefits.

It’s the Social Security Administration’s job to determine whether you meet a disability listing. Disability listings are lists of conditions that affect different parts of the body and the criteria it takes to meet the listing depending on what someone claims on their application. There is a relatively wide variety of listings, and with a good Attorney on your hands, chances are they will know what listing applies to you and do what it takes to prove you meet it.

Gold Country is a law firm dedicated to your needs and will fight to get you what you deserve. We can give you a free consultation and begin assisting you right away, so please call us at:


Related: Social Security law firm – GCWC
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Hurt at Work? Call Gold Country

Workers Compensation Roseville

Hurt at Work? Call Gold Country

What are your options if you get hurt at work, either caused by a specific incident or by cumulative stress over time on any body part that eventually causes injury? You might not know what sort of benefits you are entitled to, if any. A work-related injury could happen to anyone, and every employer has to have the necessary accommodations so that their employees feel safe and can do their jobs efficiently without worrying about being heavily injured.

In fact, a common way to be hurt at work is in a result of a slip and fall. You could slip and fall due to dangerous or hazardous materials or conditions at your place of work. Dangerous conditions include a variety of different things such as unevenness in flooring, poor lighting, narrow stairs, or a wet and slippery floor. In some cases, it might have been your responsibility to, say, pick up and obstruction on the floor that is within your skillset and control, but other things are less your responsibility or just not even something you are capable of fixing yourself, especially depending on the kind of job you have.

Some of the most dangerous jobs involve being in areas and working conditions outside of your control such as lawn service, construction work, steelwork, driving trucks, fishing, and roofing.

At the end of the day, if you receive a specific injury while you were on the clock at your place of work that results in medical care, you are most likely entitled to workers’ compensation. It might be a bit hard to tell at first, in which case you could call an Attorney for a consultation to see what your options are.

An attorney can give you needed advice on how to move forward with your claim and even give you more legitimacy when dealing with an employer or agency that is still in the process of gaining their own evidence. It doesn’t cost you any more money upfront and the earlier you get an attorney involved, the more likely you are to avoid serious problems down the road, and not getting one early enough could cost you in your case. EARLY INTERVENTION WORKS!  Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center can help claimants with disabilities and injuries get the benefits they rightfully deserve, and our ability to be familiar with the evaluators is essential in obtaining a fair or even favorable evaluation since employers and their insurance companies will be working hard to save their own money at your expense.  The attorneys at Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center offer in depth free consultations to help ensure your claim produces results.

The assistance of an attorney at the time you have to make a statement for a deposition or ensuring things get filed on a timely basis can be very crucial. Gold Country has helped many people who have been hurt at work, so don’t hesitate to call us for a consultation at 530-362-7188 ;

Or toll-free at 877-233-8399.

Related Media: California Disability Law Firm
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Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ Compensation Specialist in Roseville

Workers’ Compensation with Gold Country

You never know when you are going to need Workers’ Compensation benefits after having an accident at work. In fact, there are many ways you can suffer an accident at the workplace, and it can happen at a moment’s notice or over time (even over years) with stress and strain on a given body part sort of piling up until it becomes a real injury requiring treatment or even time off work.

You can encounter a slippery surface, might find that you need to climb a ladder for something, or someone left an obstructive object in the way of your regular path, or that you are injured just day-to-day doing your regular job.  So you could slip and/or fall, and everyone at one time or another, trips on their own feet, or loses their footing, but some falls can result in serious injuries. Heavy lifting is a requirement in some jobs or an irregular occurrence in other jobs, but regardless, one misstep or misjudgment of the weight and you can suffer a back, neck, or shoulder injury.

In more rare cases, you could be hit by a falling object, and this usually can happen in a warehouse-type environment, but if something is stored inadequately it can happen anywhere. Similarly, warehouses and businesses that work out of the back or stock rooms may operate forklifts or small vehicles. Operating them without proper training is dangerous as it is, but collisions could happen, and they’re not always without consequence.

Other kinds of work-related accidents involve cuts and lacerations, inhaling toxic fumes, exposure to loud/deafening noise, walking into objects, or even fights at work.  (So long as you are not the initial aggressor, injuries from a fight are compensable by Workers’ Comp.)

Circumstances need to be proven for an incident resulting from employment or “work-related” activity. This could mean different things depending on each claim and many of these injuries involve establishing liability against third parties responsible for providing an extra source of recovery for the injured worker.

So, if you have been involved in one of these accidents, how can a law firm help you with a Workers’ Compensation claim? If you get an attorney involved as early as possible, they can help you file the appropriate claims that best suit your situation. There are claims you can file that could provide protection to an injured worker from harassment, and a presence of an attorney for your Workers’ Compensation can give the employer or insurance company another reason to follow the law.

Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center is a law firm dedicated to assisting injured workers and disabled people. The law and regulations are always changing, and we are prepared to adapt as necessary, so our clients are not left guessing what the next step is. This process can be overwhelming and frustrating, but we want to get you the compensation you deserve. Call us toll-free at 877-233-8399.

Related Media: Disability Law Firm Services
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Do I Need To Find A Work Injury Lawyer Near Me?

Unable to Work due to Injury?

Have you asked, “Do I need a work injury lawyer near me?” but are unsure if one could help you? It is highly recommended that you find and consult a workers compensation lawyer quickly following a work-related injury. An injury suffered at work can be extremely traumatic and in many cases will require extensive medical treatment. 

In addition to expensive medical treatment, you and your family will be financially vulnerable following a work injury due to lost wages, living expenses, and healthcare bills. Workers’ compensation is meant to provide financial relief and assistance paying for the rehabilitation and recovery process. 

Continue reading to learn why it is important for you to find a workers’ compensation lawyer and how they can assist you. If you are searching for a “work injury lawyer near me” and are ready to speak with a California workers comp attorney to discuss your case, please contact Gold Country Workers Comp Center to schedule a free case consultation. 

What A Workers Compensation Attorney Does

A work injury lawyer is an attorney that has undergone extensive training and a lot of experience in the legal field of workers’ compensation law. These experts can provide you with invaluable assistance through every step of the workers’ compensation claim process. Their assistance can ensure that you receive the benefits you are entitled to based on your injuries.  Attorneys who do not specialize in workers’ compensation law will not be able to effectively represent you.

Immediately following a work-related injury, it is important that you quickly report what occurred to the owner or someone at the management level of your employer and seek medical attention. As soon as you are able to, you should look for a “work injury lawyer near me” for assistance. Although it is true that you can file your own workers’ comp claim without assistance, this is rarely recommended. 

Filing a workers’ compensation claim on your own can be extremely difficult if you do not know what you are doing. The claims process is filled with challenges that can easily result in your claim being denied outright. Insurance companies will use every tactic they can to minimize your payment of benefits. 

Filing a successful workers’ compensation claim will require proper documentation, attention to detail, collecting necessary evidence, and a host of other criteria. Most workers’ comp claims that are filed without the assistance of a workers comp attorney are denied due to missing paperwork, missed deadlines, and providing incomplete information. 

An experienced workers’ comp lawyer will also provide you with a powerful ally when negotiating with the insurance company. It is essential to remember that the insurance company is a business and will do everything in their power to provide as little financial relief as possible. A workers’ compensation lawyer will fight on your behalf and keep you informed through the ongoing negotiations. 

Contact A Work Injury Lawyer Near Me Today

Gold Country Workers Comp Center is a highly renowned, respected, and successful workers’ compensation firm in Northern California. Our passionate and dedicated workers comp lawyers use their experience, expertise, and superior commitment to secure the workers’ comp benefits our clients are entitled to. 

Please contact Gold Country Comp Center today to speak with a dedicated workers’ compensation attorney or call our offices directly at 530-632-7188. Remember, EARLY INTERVENTION WORKS!

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Work Injury Lawyer Near Me

What You Should Know About Workers Compensation Benefits California

Social Security Benefits Attorney

Workers’ compensation benefits in California help workers of all kinds in countless ways. Workers’ compensation is a legal imperative for businesses and is designed to provide employees who get injured or sick due to work-related activities with compensation in various forms. 

According to the law, workers’ compensation benefits are due, are owed and are paid regardless of who is at fault for the cause of the injury. However, due to the no-fault basis for liability, workers give up the right to sue their employer over work-related injuries or illness for the regular damages otherwise available to an injured person who is suing another party for negligently causing an injury. 

Learn more about the various workers’ compensation benefits in California available to workers who experience injuries or illnesses due to work. If you are ready to file a claim or need assistance getting the benefits you deserve, contact Gold Country Comp Center to schedule a free consultation with our California workers comp lawyers.

Workers’ Compensation Benefits in California

It is the primary responsibility of a business to sign up for workers’ compensation insurance. Workers’ comp insurance is where the payments to injured workers come from, unless the employer is so big that the State has allowed it to be self-insured for Workers’ Compensation purposes.  

After experiencing an injury or symptoms of an illness, the afflicted worker must file a workers’ compensation claim with the insurance company. However, filing a claim and getting benefits isn’t a simple process. So what sort of workers compensation benefits in California are actually available?

Medical Care and Mileage

Medical care is provided is provided through networks of providers as is usually the case with private medical insurance coverage.  Although California law allows the insurance carriers’ “in-house” doctors to in essence veto medical decisions and prescriptions your treater wants to provide, medical care with no deductible or co-pay is provided.  Mileage, bridge tolls and parking for travel to and from the doctor, the pharmacy, physical therapy etc. is also paid as part of the medical care benefit.

Permanent Disability

For workers who become permanently injured in some way, there are either permanent disability benefits to cover ongoing medical costs long-term or a negotiated option to take a lump sum financial settlement. How much the lump sum settlement is for will vary based on a variety of factors, including the nature of the injury and how long the employee is incapable of working. 

While taking a lump sum settlement can seem more appealing at first, it’s important to remember that the total amount of compensation should be able to cover ongoing medical costs as well as lost wages. For this reason, it’s always best to consult with an experienced disability attorney to gain a better understanding of all the options available.  Additionally, insurance carriers will usually insist on a waiver of the right to future medical care, for which they will pay extra.

Temporary Disability 

For workers who experience an injury or illness that only affects them temporarily, or until the effects of the injury have stabilized and is deemed unlikely to substantially change in the next year, temporary disability benefits are available. Temporary disability benefits are different from permanent disability benefits in a few key ways. 

Generally, injured workers will receive 2/3 of their average wage loss during the period they are unable to work and suffer a wage loss. These benefits are only payable for a maximum of 104 weeks within 5 years of the injury date.  Obviously, if you return to work, temporary disability ends unless you continue to experience a wage loss, which still entitles you to 2/3 of that loss. It’s also important to note that temporary disability benefits are tax-free. Still, the only way to ensure an injured worker receives the maximum amount of California workers’ compensation benefits available to them is to seek out counsel from a qualified and experienced workers’ comp attorney.

Vocational Rehabilitation:

Another part of the benefit package a seriously injured worker may be entitled to is the Supplemental Job Displacement Benefit, commonly referred to as the “voucher.”  It is a certificate that is like a limited use credit card valued at $6,000  that can be spent on courses approved by the California Dept. of Workers’ Compensation. All “brick and mortar” programs must be inside the State.  The approved list includes colleges, universities, vocational training programs and on-line training.  If a computer is needed, up to $1000 can be reimbursed upon documenting the need per the applicable rules.  Also, once the voucher is sent to the appropriate State office, California will send the voucher holder a check for $5000.

The entire Workers’ Compensation process is complicated, and most everyone should consult with a specialist soon after being injured.  Many attorneys, such as those at the Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center offer a free consultation.


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Workers Compensation Benefits California