Social Security Disability Law

Attorney for Workers Comp in Roseville

Social Security Disability Law

What does it take to get Social Security Disability benefits? For everyone it can vary. At the beginning of trying to establish your eligibility, you may want to get a consultation from an Attorney to know how to move forward. There is more than one kind of claim you can file and different ways to determine which one you will qualify for. Other than that, everyone’s conditions vary from person to person. Not everyone who has a cardiac condition, for example, will immediately get their benefits once they prove to a medical examiner that they were diagnosed with said illness.

Although this isn’t like Workers’ Comp, where you had to be injured on the job to qualify for certain benefits, if you were injured on the job and the injuries result in long-term debilitating conditions, then you could still qualify for Social Security Disability benefits.

Some people are born already having debilitating conditions, and as they grow, this could affect their ability to handle their day-to-day tasks in school or their ability to socialize with other kids their age. And if they meet qualifying criteria, a child can receive SSI benefits for such disabilities.

On the other hand, others develop them through external factors, such as a traumatic event. For example, many veterans are likely to suffer from PTSD, Tinnitus, knee conditions, lumbar and cervical strains, migraines, and paralysis, so they could qualify for Social Security Disability benefits in addition to their pension, especially if their disability rating is very high.

And even in circumstances outside of pre-existing conditions etc, if you were involved in an accident that results in long-term injuries, you may want to consult with an attorney about your eligibility as well. Sometimes you can even file for a Social Security Disability while you’re waiting to receive benefits such as Worker’s Comp, and vice versa so there’s often no real reason to delay applying for both types of benefits.

It’s the Social Security Administration’s job to determine whether you meet a disability listing. Disability listings are lists of conditions that affect different parts of the body and the criteria it takes to meet the listing depending on what someone claims on their application. There is a relatively wide variety of listings, and with a good Attorney on your hands, chances are they will know what listing applies to you and do what it takes to prove you meet it.

Gold Country is a law firm dedicated to your needs and will fight to get you what you deserve. We can give you a free consultation and begin assisting you right away, so please call us at:


Related: Social Security law firm – GCWC
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Injured On The Job? Call GCWC

Workers Compensation Center Sacramento

Unfortunately for many, some careers have risks that end with people getting injured on the job. Some of the most dangerous jobs involve transportation, machinery, construction, and even sanitation. While a work-related injury could happen to anyone, it’s easier to see how a workplace with very dangerous work conditions can be held accountable if a worker has an accident while on the clock. Every employer has to have the necessary accommodations so that their employees feel safe and can do their jobs efficiently without worrying about being heavily injured.

Here is a list of some dangerous careers that could result in being injured on the job:

  • Landscapers, lawn service workers, and groundskeepers
  • Construction workers and extraction workers
  • Structural iron and steel workers
  • Ranchers and other agricultural workers
  • Truck drivers
  • Refuse and recyclable materials collectors
  • Roofers
  • Aircraft pilots and flight engineers
  • Fishers
  • Logging workers

At the end of the day, if you receive a specific injury or a series of small injuries that require medical care, or even if you receive an injury that developed over time, and it happened while you were on the clock at your place of work, you are most likely entitled to workers’ compensation. It might be a bit hard to tell at first, in which case you could call an Attorney for a consultation to see what your options are.

Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center is a law firm dedicated to helping their clients with disabilities and injuries, getting them the benefits they rightfully deserve. An attorney can give you adequate advice on how to move forward with your claim and even give you more legitimacy when dealing with an employer or agency that is still in the process of gaining their own evidence. It doesn’t cost you any more money up front the earlier you get an attorney involved, but not getting one early enough could cost you in your case.

The process of applying for Workers’ Compensation can seem complicated, and choosing an evaluating physician is a crucial step in the process. Our ability to be familiar with the evaluators is essential in obtaining a fair or even favorable evaluation since employers and their insurance companies will be working hard to save their own money at your expense.

The assistance of an attorney at the time you have to make a statement for a deposition or ensuring things get filed on a timely basis can be very crucial. Gold Country has helped many people who have been injured on the job, so don’t hesitate to call us for a consultation at  530-362-7188 or toll-free at 877-233-8399.

Related: Social Security law firm – GCWC
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Social Security law firm – GCWC

Help Sue for Workers Comp Damages

Social Security law firm – GCWC

It might be time to call a Social Security law firm if you are met with the unfortunate circumstance of not being able to perform your duties at work. Early intervention works, so you should never wait to get legal help or find out if you are entitled to any disability benefits. If you are out of work and can no longer perform as you used to, normally for people this means they suffered a life-altering injury or have developed underlying medical or psychological problems that were recently escalated. Our team at Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center is here to help you through the process of not only applying but being there every step of the way with you.

The Social Security Administration offers a disability program to most American citizens who meet certain requirements. The two programs are Social Security Disability Insurance benefits (SSDI) and the Supplemental Security Income program (SSI). Respectively, these programs are offered to Americans who have accumulated enough work credits or otherwise fall under a certain income level, but qualify as disabled under the SSA’s definition.

While tedious, applying for disability benefits is often pretty straight forward, and you can even do most of it online, but once the application is filed and processed, Social Security will begin to ask a lot of questions and will request a lot of follow-up information. Often times the beginning stages involve being denied which means claimants end up feeling very defeated. Every claim, no matter what the ailment is, requires enough evidence to support it. A Social Security law firm can help gather the information needed to prove you are unable to work for at least twelve months and determine you will not be able to return to work either.  If you claim for disability is denied by the SSA, you MUST appeal within 60 days or your rights will be seriously impaired.  You MUST be persistent.

Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center is a Social Security law firm that will help answer all your questions and make the process go as smoothly as possible, knowing the best people are working on your case. Our attorneys have worked many years aiding claimants with their disability cases, as we are aware of Social Security’s deadlines, their proceedings, and rules, which most people don’t know when they apply for benefits.

There’s no better time like the present, and you don’t need to wait to file a claim. We will make sure to use this time efficiently to get you the help you need and deserve, so no matter what the case may be, make sure to contact Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center as soon as possible. Contact our office for a free consultation or referral at 530-362-7188 or toll-free at 877-233-8399.

Related Media: California Disability Law Firm
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3 Benefits Of Having A Workplace Accident Lawyer

Roseville Attorneys for Workers Comp

Employees who have been injured at work are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits.  This is true whether the injury was caused by a specific incident or whether it was caused by cumulative micro-trauma to a body part, including back or hands.  To ensure your claim is approved and you receive the full amount of benefits you are owed, it’s best to work with a workplace accident lawyer. 

Though it is true that injured workers can go through the claims process on their own, doing so often results in their claim being denied due to many different issues. These issues might include lacking proper evidence, missed deadlines, and other complexities.

Being represented by an experienced workers’ compensation attorney helps to protect your claim from these common pitfalls. The following are some of the benefits of hiring a workplace accident lawyer to help with your workers’ compensation claim.

If you’re prepared to schedule a free case consultation with a Truckee or Nevada County workers’ comp attorney, please contact Gold Country Workers Comp Center for assistance. Remember, EARLY INTERVENTION WORKS!

A Workplace Accident Lawyer Ensures All Evidence Is Uncovered

Because workers’ compensation claims are due to workplace injuries, medical evidence is vital to each case. Experienced workers comp attorneys will develop a strategy to ensure all of the necessary evidence is gathered to garner a fair settlement.

This can include medical records, getting depositions from physicians, arranging treatment with a specialist, and getting another medical opinion. This key evidence will be paramount for getting your case approved.

Workers Comp Lawyers Get You All The Benefits You’re Owed

Your workplace accident lawyer should be knowledgeable about what sort of benefits you are owed. They will have a good idea regarding the amount of money you should receive depending on what type of injury you sustained. 

They can also help you to learn of other benefits you might not be aware of. Some factors they will consider to help determine your benefits will include whether or not you suffered a permanent disability, the extent of your injury, the costs of medical treatment, and future treatment costs.

In addition, workers’ compensation lawyers understand how insurance companies work. Insurance companies will commonly try offering injured workers the lowest amount of compensation possible in order to settle a case. Your workplace accident lawyer will negotiate with insurance lawyers to ensure you are given the full amount of what you are owed.

Provide Representation At Your Workers’ Comp Hearing

When a settlement is reached, your case still must be approved by a judge in a workers’ compensation hearing. It is always recommended to have legal representation when you are in court. 

Your attorney will represent you and defend your rights during the workers’ comp hearing. They can present any necessary evidence, call witnesses when necessary, and argue why your settlement should be a certain amount. Lastly, they can help you appeal your case in the event your claim is denied.

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Workplace Accident Lawyer

Workers Compensation Attorney Sacramento

Can I Sue for Injury Damages?

Hiring a workers compensation attorney Sacramento when you have been injured at work is extremely important to ensure you receive fair compensation to help during this stressful time. The process of acquiring workers’ compensation benefits can often be very complex and without understanding the process and necessary paperwork you most likely will not receive a fair amount based on your situation.

The most common problem we see is when an unrepresented injured worker calls after having allowed a big problem to develop.  Seek legal advice early!  Gold Country Workers’ Compensation offers free consultations that will likely help you avoid bigger problems later in the claims process, even if you don’t retain them at the time.

Following your injury from performing your work duties, the first call you should make is to a reliable and experienced workers compensation lawyer. Unfortunately, employers will often use deceptive tactics to withhold the compensation you are entitled to and insurance companies will usually try to limit the amount of workers compensation paid to the absolute minimum amount possible.

It is also important to consider that there may be a number of workers compensation benefits that you may be qualified to receive based on your circumstances. An experienced and skilled workers compensation attorney in Sacramento can advise you on not only the process but also can find you additional benefits that you may qualify for but are not aware of.

There are situations in which you qualify for certain workers compensation benefits such as when sustaining an injury outside of work. Examples of this include when you develop an injury while commuting to and from work or if you are injured while on living in company housing.

Under these and other circumstances there may be workers compensation benefits available that can help with medical cost and living expenses during the often financially difficult time following an injury. The following are a number of injuries that are covered with workers compensation that a workers compensation lawyer can help you receive.

  • An injury that is sustained at work that is caused by an unconnected third party.
  • An illness or injury received from toxic exposure or allergic reactions.
  • Acquiring multiple minor injuries that over time require medical aid.
  • Injuries developed over the course of time from aggravation due to constant, repetitive use.
  • An injury acquired while performing work-related duties, even if not at your assigned worksite.

It is important to understand that consulting with a workers compensation attorney Sacramento is fairly affordable and is a prudent investment following a work-related injury. The outcome of your final resolution will determine what your workers’ compensation lawyer is paid and a judge must sign off on the cost of the legal fees to ensure the cost is fair and reasonable, generally around fifteen percent.

The very best source for workers compensation attorney Sacramento is Gold Country Workers Comp Center. Our center has experience and dedication for making the process of obtaining workers’ compensation as simple and successful as possible. Contact us today with any questions you may have regarding your workers’ compensation and to receive a free consultation.

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Workers Compensation Attorney Sacramento

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