SSI Lawyer in Sacramento

Disability law

SSI Lawyer in Sacramento with GCWC

If you need an SSI lawyer in Sacramento look no further than Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center. Our attorneys are equipped to handle Social Security Disability claims as well as other more specific programs that are available to California residents.

For example, in California, a small percentage of every employee’s paycheck is deducted and paid into a special disability insurance fund, called State Disability Insurance. If due to any medical reason you cannot perform you regular work, this will pay you disability benefits if you are not receiving comparable benefits elsewhere.

If you are disabled and have very limited income, you may qualify for benefit payments and employment assistance called “calWORKS”. Participation in an employment services program may be required. And of course, there are private insurance sources, and what each policy considers a disability and how they define the disabled will vary from insurance to insurance.

An SSI lawyer in Sacramento will be sure to guide you to a program that better fits your needs and more importantly that you might qualify for. Each program has pros, cons, and benefits, and sometimes there’s a possibility to qualify for more than one at a time.

Otherwise, Social Security Disability benefit programs (SSI and SSDI) are available to all United States citizens who have enough earnings history. If you have questions about whether you qualify for benefits, you should contact an SSI Lawyer in Sacramento as soon as possible. It doesn’t cost you any upfront money to hire one, and it’s generally recommended to get the process started as soon as you’re out of work. An attorney can help you at any stage from the application process all the way to a hearing if necessary.

In order to win an SSI claim it normally requires a lot more work and effort. It’s not enough to show documentation that you were diagnosed recently with a debilitating illness, they will investigate whether this deters you from working various jobs without limitations. This can mean a myriad of stress-inducing questions and forms to fill out, which is why having a lawyer by your side is not only advantageous but a great support system.

Attorneys Kim LaValley and Kyle Adamson of Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center have worked for many years on behalf of their clients pursuing Social Security benefits and have an excellent record in winning their cases. They have received praise for their work from many specialists in the field, including witnesses called by the government to testify against their clients. Please call us for a consultation at…



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Social Security Disability Law

Social Security Disability

Social Security Disability Law

What does it take to get Social Security Disability benefits? For everyone it can vary. At the beginning of trying to establish your eligibility, you may want to get a consultation from an Attorney to know how to move forward. There is more than one kind of claim you can file and different ways to determine which one you will qualify for. Other than that, everyone’s conditions vary from person to person. Not everyone who has a cardiac condition, for example, will immediately get their benefits once they prove to a medical examiner that they were diagnosed with said illness.

Although this isn’t like Workers’ Comp, where you had to be injured on the job to qualify for certain benefits, if you were injured on the job and the injuries result in long-term debilitating conditions, then you could still qualify for Social Security Disability benefits.

Some people are born already having debilitating conditions, and as they grow, this could affect their ability to handle their day-to-day tasks in school or their ability to socialize with other kids their age. And if they meet qualifying criteria, a child can receive SSI benefits for such disabilities.

On the other hand, others develop them through external factors, such as a traumatic event. For example, many veterans are likely to suffer from PTSD, Tinnitus, knee conditions, lumbar and cervical strains, migraines, and paralysis, so they could qualify for Social Security Disability benefits in addition to their pension, especially if their disability rating is very high.

And even in circumstances outside of pre-existing conditions etc, if you were involved in an accident that results in long-term injuries, you may want to consult with an attorney about your eligibility as well. Sometimes you can even file for a Social Security Disability while you’re waiting to receive benefits such as Worker’s Comp, and vice versa so there’s often no real reason to delay applying for both types of benefits.

It’s the Social Security Administration’s job to determine whether you meet a disability listing. Disability listings are lists of conditions that affect different parts of the body and the criteria it takes to meet the listing depending on what someone claims on their application. There is a relatively wide variety of listings, and with a good Attorney on your hands, chances are they will know what listing applies to you and do what it takes to prove you meet it.

Gold Country is a law firm dedicated to your needs and will fight to get you what you deserve. We can give you a free consultation and begin assisting you right away, so please call us at:


Related: Social Security law firm – GCWC
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Social Security lawyers – GCWC

Help Sue for Workers Comp Damages

Social Security Lawyers – Gold Country Workers Comp

Social Security lawyers can be a great tool and support system in the disability application process. Every US citizen that works (NOT under the table and provided all federal taxes are paid on the income) is entitled to Social Security benefits. In fact, you pay into these Social Security funds from every paycheck if not nearly every paycheck. On regular circumstances, one would need to be of retirement age to access these funds, but if you are in the unfortunate situation of becoming disabled and can no longer provide for yourself or your family, you may be entitled to Social Security Disability benefits even if you’re not at retirement age yet.

These benefits are called Social Security Disability Insurance (or SSDI) and you are entitled to them if you have enough work credits after working for a certain period of time (which normally could equate to 5 years or more). This means that if you have been working full time for more than 5 or so years, and you develop a disability that keeps you from working, you will most likely qualify for this program.

On the other hand, some people were born with debilitating illnesses or developed them from a young age, or incurred without having attained the needed work credits, so they would need to apply for a supplemental program called Supplemental Security Income (or SSI) if they are under 18 or otherwise didn’t work long enough under Social Security rules.

As you can tell, this is a lot of terminology and information to learn and understand the significance of in one sitting, which is why Social Security lawyers are there to be not only a helping hand but a knowledgeable one in these difficult times for you. You can call some attorneys, like Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center, for a free consultation in case you are not even sure what rights you have and if you are eligible, and once your questions are answered, we can start the process of seeing what it takes to actually win your claim.

For example, Social Security lawyers can determine what is in your best interest and what to look out for depending on which part of the process you are in. On average, a claim could take several months, but the quicker we act, the quicker we can get a decision.

If you’re worried about payment, Social Security will actually not allow us to be paid our fee until we win your case. Once approved, they set aside 25% of the lump sum of back-due payments you receive, so there is no up front cost to you!

We understand this time might be confusing and frustrating, but the sooner we can consult your options with you, the sooner we can get you the benefits you deserve. Call us at


Related: Social Security law firm – GCWC
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Social Security law firm – GCWC

Help Sue for Workers Comp Damages

Social Security law firm – GCWC

It might be time to call a Social Security law firm if you are met with the unfortunate circumstance of not being able to perform your duties at work. Early intervention works, so you should never wait to get legal help or find out if you are entitled to any disability benefits. If you are out of work and can no longer perform as you used to, normally for people this means they suffered a life-altering injury or have developed underlying medical or psychological problems that were recently escalated. Our team at Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center is here to help you through the process of not only applying but being there every step of the way with you.

The Social Security Administration offers a disability program to most American citizens who meet certain requirements. The two programs are Social Security Disability Insurance benefits (SSDI) and the Supplemental Security Income program (SSI). Respectively, these programs are offered to Americans who have accumulated enough work credits or otherwise fall under a certain income level, but qualify as disabled under the SSA’s definition.

While tedious, applying for disability benefits is often pretty straight forward, and you can even do most of it online, but once the application is filed and processed, Social Security will begin to ask a lot of questions and will request a lot of follow-up information. Often times the beginning stages involve being denied which means claimants end up feeling very defeated. Every claim, no matter what the ailment is, requires enough evidence to support it. A Social Security law firm can help gather the information needed to prove you are unable to work for at least twelve months and determine you will not be able to return to work either.  If you claim for disability is denied by the SSA, you MUST appeal within 60 days or your rights will be seriously impaired.  You MUST be persistent.

Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center is a Social Security law firm that will help answer all your questions and make the process go as smoothly as possible, knowing the best people are working on your case. Our attorneys have worked many years aiding claimants with their disability cases, as we are aware of Social Security’s deadlines, their proceedings, and rules, which most people don’t know when they apply for benefits.

There’s no better time like the present, and you don’t need to wait to file a claim. We will make sure to use this time efficiently to get you the help you need and deserve, so no matter what the case may be, make sure to contact Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center as soon as possible. Contact our office for a free consultation or referral at 530-362-7188 or toll-free at 877-233-8399.

Related Media: California Disability Law Firm
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California Disability Law Firm

California Disability Law Firm

California Disability Law Firm

There are always advantages to having a California Disability Law Firm in your contact list. Gold Country Workers’ Comp Center has the knowledge and expertise to help you through a crucial time of need—that is, when you find yourself needing to file for disability.

In fact, California residents are eligible for special programs. There is a state disability insurance program where California employers offer private disability insurance. A small percentage of an employee’s check is deducted and placed into a special disability fund. If there is ever a point where you are unable to work due to a medical conditions and cannot perform your work as you regular could, this fund can help pay for disability benefits when you can no longer depend on wages.

Employers who offer employee health insurance must offer COBRA benefits to a former employee for a period of time after they leave the job. If you were in an emergency, this could be beneficial in supplementing help while you find a better benefits program for your situation.

If you are a government employee, chances are you have a disability benefits program and maintain a special status under the law with your own disability program which can provide you with income assistance, job protection, and medical care.

A lot of people would assume that only those who had underlying conditions or disabilities they were born with will need to call a California Disability Law Firm so they can apply for a disability program, but unfortunately, disabilities can be a result from vehicle accidents, diseases developed at a later age, botched surgeries, and so on. These conditions can develop to severe levels, resulting in having to drastically lower your work hours or have to leave your job entirely. Without a steady income, you can imagine how difficult life will become apart from the disabilities you have.

Apart from an employer’s private disability insurance program, there is also CalWORKS, a program that works if you are disabled and have a limited income. You can become eligible for benefits as well as employment assistance. Your California Disability Law Firm can help assist in determining if you are eligible for these programs or if you would be a better fit for other programs available to all Americans, such as SNAP, SSDI, Temporary Assitance, or even Unemployment.

Whatever the case may be, early intervention works, and calling a California Disability Law Firm to know what your options are now may be to your benefit whether you are disabled or not. Call us at 530-362-7188 or toll free at 877-233-8399 for a free consultation.

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