Jeff Toff legacy

Kim is grateful for the opportunity of representing those clients that Jeff Toff served until he retired a few years ago. Jeff was known as “The” workers’ compensation attorney representing injured workers in Nevada County.

Jeff’s reputation was excellent, and Kim brings even more years of experience to the commitment to represent injured workers both locally in Nevada County, in the Auburn/Yuba city/Sacramento area and the Lake Tahoe area. Jeff worked with Kim for several years before he stopped accepting new clients, and Kim has accepted his referrals and “legacy” cases since then. Read Jeff’s reference letter below.)

Like Jeff Toff, Kim and his staff are committed to protecting injured workers and those too disabled to work. He sees this population as in special need of protection and Kim understands the precarious position both individuals and families are in when an injury takes away the needed income lost when one of the earners can’t work. Kim knows these individuals and families need a sense of security, and his experience and expertise are at the service of those who call and are in need.

Additionally, he knows about the many assistance programs available publicly and will co-ordinate available benefits to maximize income in the lives of those impacted by a significant injury.